When I like something, I naturally tend to repeat it several times…
I made some more glove puppets.
This time I made them to fit the song “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.”
See my Nativity glove puppets here.
Both my boys were practicing to sing “Rudoph” for our church Christmas program and my oldest, Owen, sang it for his school program {I don’t know how we lucked out with that one}, so I thought it would be fun to have some glove finger puppets to help them practice.
These gloves really helped my three year old learn the words…even though he didn’t actually sing on stage. 馃檪 After the rehearsal for our church Christmas program, he kept saying, “but I didn’t have my gloves!”
It’s got all of the reindeer for the beginning of the song.
“You know Dasher, and Dancer, and Prancer and Vixen…
…Comet, and Cupid, and Donner, and Blitzen..”
and the star of the song: Rudolph.
Santa is just this sleigh for now. I had plans on adding a Santa figure but couldn’t decide on how to best do it…maybe next year.聽 馃檪
For my other glove puppets I had my kids help me more. For these though I just snipped away while I watched TV at night after bedtime. As a template for the felt cut outs, I searched google images. Word clip art can be helpful as well.
Then I cut them out and hot glued them to the fingers of the gloves.
Easy, festive, fun, and helps keep little hands busy.
All much needed things this time of year. 馃檪
Hope you have a lovely, festive weekend!
Whatever Dee-Dee wants says
These are too cute! My son would love these.
Girlie Blogger says
Very awesome!
Sew Much Ado says
So cute, I bet your kids love those!
Customized Creations says
These are really cute! I may have to try this! Thank you!
Jane@Buzzmills says
Well geez, now I have to try these too!!! 馃檪
Christie says
So cute, Delia! I love the shape of your reindeer!
Ratwoman says
These are amazing. I'd happy walk around with these on and i'm 22!
The Miller Five says
Aww Delia! Those are too cute.
Rach H @ FamilyEverAfter says
these are sooo cute. you're a genious!
Amanda says
I adore this craft and have included a link back to this page in my Ultimate Reindeer Craft and Activity Guide for Busy Parents! http://bit.ly/1dW3iht