It’s official.
I am totally and completely antsy. I have done a 180 from being totally great with her staying in there for as long as she wants, to going nuts waiting to meet her already.
I’m still glad I got ready when I did because I’ve been tired and even a little sick this past week.
By the end of the week though I had enough energy to work on some things and keep busy.
Like making Cheri’s nursing strap.
I used fabric glue and trim instead.
I sewed it up first but didn’t like how messy the stitches looked in this beautiful trim that Dana gave him for helping out at Alt...even when I lengthened my stitch. Fabric glue was the perfect solution.
I think I have a new love for it. Thanks to my friend Michelle for convincing me to try it.
To keep my hands busy I’ve also been learning to braid my hair. Sounds weird…but I am totally lame at this skill.
I love all the pretty hairstyles I see on pinterest but I just can’t braid like that.
I figure it’s like any skill though right? You just have to practice.
So, while I watch TV, while I wait for Reid to finish his lunch, anytime I get bored…which has been a lot lately…I braid. And my belly doesn’t get in the way, which is a bonus. 馃檪
Speaking of bellies getting in the way. Sewing can be quite a trick with this precious lump on my lap, but I’ve even done a bit of that lately…
While sewing up some Easter clothes and accessories, I came up with this tunic/top out of the left over fabric.
I’m going to tweak it a little more, and add a lot more color to it for a sequel series coming this June. Wink wink. Yeah…I’m pretty dang excited.
The bloomers are Dana’s perfect diaper cover pattern, size 0-3 months, found here.
Well… enough blabbing. How about we top of this Monday with good news?
Winter who said, “I love it! And in white–looks so sleak! “
has won the 3D Image Viewer Reel giveaway.聽
Congrats! Please email me back by Wednesday, March 7, 2012.
Have a good Monday!
Sabra says
LOVE your belly. but so glad it's you and not me! 馃檪 the seersucker outfit is adorable!
Alison says
Not that I expect you to share…but did you think of a name yet? I'm 39 weeks today..and we still have no girl name either. I was totally immursed in people's ideas for thanks for asking for suggestions. 馃檪
Kaylyn says
Cute little dress. The nursing clip is so cute with that trim.
Christie says
I just love your belly! But those last couple weeks are so crazy waiting!
I love how you used the trim! I might do the same with mine if I ever need a nursing clip again :).
jax says
You look so cute. Enjoy it while you can because she will be here soon. I love the seersucker outfit!
Jenny says
Oh, you're getting sooooo close! I can't wait to "meet" that sweet little one!
Josh_n_Connie says
Can't wait to see your bundle! I'm 38 and 1/2 weeks too and completely understand your feelings. Good luck!!
kirstin & tricia says
So excited to see her! And OH MY ADORABLE seersucker. Seriously.
Can't wait for June. 馃檪
Jessica Jackson says
Such a cute little belly! I hear ya with the pregnancy thing. I'm 37 weeks tomorrow, losing energy and comfort quickly and am a little too excited to move on to the next stage of life. I loved your nesting series (even though I am having a boy… still a ton a fun ideas!) Good luck this last week or two (or hopefully day or two!)
SewSara says
i know how you're feeling! we must be due the exact same day (or close) cuz I'm in my 38th week as well and just dying to meet my baby girl. it's a race! 馃槈
Daniele Valois says
You look absolutely adorable!
Erin A says
Oh you look great! And those last few weeks and days are so hard! Glad you got everything finished. I'm impressed that you are still sewing at this point. I couldn't sit for very long at the machine without killing my back, my sciatic nerve, my everything…
Soooo in love with your little tunic top. And I made a few little bottom covers with Dana's pattern last year
Erin says
Oh my goodness! I can't believe how cute that seersucker outfit is! Very impressive. 馃檪
Kara Forristall says
Oh wow, I'm in the same boat… same week in fact, and having the same feeling, I want to meet her already! Is everyone you pass asking when you're having her already? I love the tunic you came up with, so perfect for the warm weather ahead! Good luck in the next few weeks!
Rita says
I have 4 children (2 were a little later than the due date). I always thought human pregnancies were just a bit too long. 馃槈
It won't be long now! Prayers for an uncomplicated delivery.
Anonymous says
I love the tunic top and diaper cover. Any chance you have a pattern for the tunic?
The Miller Five says
I learned to braid this week too! Love that cute belly. Her Easter outfit is adorable. Good luck! You are almost there!!
Gemma Meredith says
Not long now! Congratulations! That little outfit is soooo cute 馃檪
Laura @ ON{thelaundry}LINE says
oooh pretty all around. I totally didn't learn how to braid properly until I had little girls! I could do a regular Pocahontas Braid or pigtail braids or whatever, but no french or fancy or anything. Practise makes perfect though, and now I can whip up fancy and/or boho do's for Nicole in less time than it takes to do the brushing part of hairstyling.
The best thing about braids on
amy c @ says
oh my goodness delia! i am praying for speedy days ahead. i think when i reached the point you're at now i had been crying for 3 weeks begging to be done. hahaha! yes i am pathetic. you look cute. i'm thinking good thoughts…. 馃檪
astr!d says
i made the nursing strap for my friend and she is in love with them!!!! u should get lots of use!
Tammy says
I love your shirt. Where did you get it? You look great, btw, and that seersucker outfit is so cute.
jen @ jkjk says
love the cute tunic/top outfit!
angelaluvnlife says
So is that your cute pregnant belly. Sooo cute! Love it.
dana says
Oh Delia, this is so cute! I absolutely love it. Fun, fun, fun!
dana says
and you are a VERY cute pregnant lady btw. very cute 馃檪
That tunic outfit is perfect. Pretty with its horizontal stripes!
verymissberry says
I love the little top. Did you make the pattern or am I able to buy it somewhere?
Delia says
Aww thanks! I made the top and shared a tutorial here:
I hope that helps!