On Thursday, Natalie turned 5 months!
Her fourth month brought a lot of changes.
She’s doing this now…
That’s what I said.
She’s smashed Owen’s record of pre-crawling and sitting at 5 1/2 months, and has taken the gold with the family record of 4 1/2 months!
Then, during this very photoshoot, she surprised me again.
She pushed herself into a sitting position on her own! I can’t remember the boys doing this until they were full on crawling.
First, it was against the couch and later it was to a free standing sitting position. She’s still wobbly but getting steadier everyday.
Oh boy….sigh.
We’ve got trouble on our hands.
Cute trouble. 馃檪
She’s taken the gold in sitting, but can she in walking? Reid was slow to get moving, but once he did he was walking at 9 months. We’ll see if she can sweep the all around.
It’s going to be a nail biter.
How can I resist the Olympic references with this little gymnast around? (My favorite event to watch)
Oh and when this girl isn’t busy sitting or army crawling backward, she’s skydiving in her free time.
That or making her brothers laugh.
She spits and squawks at the most inappropriate times.
And her brothers think she is the funniest thing since AFV.
She also grabs at everything! She tried grabbing at my phone and knocked it out of my hands! The screen cracked with a case and a zagg shield on it.
Don’t let this cute little face fool you.
She’s tough.
Just look at her guns. (and her adorable double chin.)
She’s also our little lady…
Still happy, but quite demanding as of late.
It might have to do with another new change.
Her first cold.
Aw man. I guess it was bound to happen some time. I just pray she doesn’t cry all night tonight like she did last night.
I’m also hoping she waits a bit before she starts getting teeth.
You’ve got to stay little in at least one way baby.
Peanut's peanuts says
Gorgeous pictures!
Greetings from Hamburg, Germany!
PixieSam says
She's gorgeous! And so are your photos.
Jen says
So precious!
Charity says
Aww, she is so adorable! And quite the tiny athlete… my youngest started pre-crawling at 5 1/2 months, but didn't actually crawl until 7 1/2 months. In fact, she could pull herself to standing before she could crawl. =)
GirlieBlogger@Beauty Fashion Blog Seattle says
What a gorgeous little girl. So happy.
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Nancy says
She's adorable and your photos are amazing (as always:))!
Jessica says
Aaaaaaah!! I just love her! She is the cutest thing. Hendrix full on crawled at five months and then walked at seven. At first we were like, yay he's a genius! And then we were like, ah crap, sit down kid!
Laura says
She's so cute and makes such great expressions. Gorgeous photos.
hawkeyejlp says
She is amazing. Thanks for sharing her with us!
Mae says
honestly never get tired of seeing your cute little lady. happy 5 months natalie& thanks for all the fun updates. my son is only 2 weeks behind her so I always get to know what is in my immediate future. though i doubt crawling will be as quick with ours! good luck!
Samantha says
She is so stinking cute! Seriously. You make me want another one sooo bad!
Anonymous says
Fantastic photos! Your girl is a cutie. I have just spent a few hours reading your photography series…I'm really curious what settings your camera was at when taking these photos & if you used a reflector? AND how much editing you did? So many questions! I have a T2i and I'm so darn curious;) Thanks for the photo series – I've learned so much!:)
kate says
she is the prettiest little girl!! happy 5 months Natalie!!
sweetestthings says
Awww! All that at just 5 months! She's adorable!
Allison Barrett says
So precious! They say little girls are faster learners than boys. I've got a 7 yr old girl who has beat her 14 yr old brother in everything. Little girls make their mamas heart melt!
RC says
Her surprised face is so darn cute. Well, all the pics are really. She is SUPER adorable. The crawling at 4.5 months? Not good! Not good at all. lol
homemade by jill says
She is a doll! And crawling already? She knows how to keep a mama on her toes. 馃檪
jax says
Wow, your kids must have been itching to get moving. Both of mine started walking right after their first birthdays. They have to be keeping you busy, too.
Anna says
she's so adorable!!! delia, crazy cute kids you've got. and wow, thoroughly impressed on the crawling/sitting so early. Maybe she will be a gymnast?!
The Miller Five says
Darling pictures and I love your Olympic references! The nail biter and the oh man ones are my favorites. She is an insanely cute baby girl!
Jess@craftiness is not optional says
she is so gorgeous! So are those photos! You can tell she's going to keep you on your toes already, huh? 馃榾 Girls are so fun!
Petra says
That's girls for you – she can't wait to outdo her big brothers!!
She's adorable!
Lot of happiness from Holland.
Amanda says
Natalie is adorable!! I love all the pictures! Natalie and my son Nathan share a birthday! 馃檪
ReStitch Me says
What a doll baby! Great pics as usual!
Ali says
I love when you post pictures of your sweet girl. She is the most beautiful baby ever. What a doll! Don't know how you don't spend all your time snuggling the little darling. And you are a super photographer.
Laura says
She's SO beautiful! (and so is your photography). 馃檪
Sylvie says
What a doll! She is so darn cute I could squish her! 馃檪 I think I'm ready for another lil one to snuggle around here!
Larissa@Just Another Day in Paradise says
It is crazy how much she can do. My little man was born just a couple weeks after her and he is no where near that mobile.
What a strong beautiful girlie.
Lucky Momma.
Susan says
She is soooooo adorable!! Too bad you don't live near me! My little faith is 6 month & needs buddy to play with! Mine hasn't crawl, sit up or gave any tooth coming in! All mine other friends that is little one around 6-7 month has master crawling or sitting!
Alicia G says
Your Natalie monthly updates and pictures (esp the captions) just crack me up. She is sure a beautiful little lady.
k a t y says
Five compliments for her 5 months:
cute, cute, cute, cute, and CUTE!
Double Chin says
you have a cute baby… congrats
How to Get Rid of a Double Chin Fast says
hahaha… what a cute baby… so lovely!!!
Face Exercises for Double Chin says
she's beautiful and you have nice pictures… 馃檪
dana says
what a doll! So adorable!
Hey, where’d you get those white diapers? Target carried them in the newborn size but bigger sizes have the printed junk over the top 馃檨
Laura @ ON{thelaundry}LINE says
She is SUCH a doll! And I can't believe how big she is already!
I think racing to the finish on milestones must be a girl thing. I have a video of Olivia crawling at four months something weeks, so before she was 5 months she was all-out crawling, and she was full on walking at 7 months. It just does not look right for them to walk at that age, lol! I've been told its a gender thing
check pagerank says
nice photos! she's sooooo cute!!!