When Jenilyn asked me to try out her Abigail Tunic pattern, I had just been going through my stash and had found this super soft, silky peach skin fabric from Girl Charlee I’d been saving. It was a perfect match!
So, I whipped up a top for my Natalie who seems to be growing out of all her tops lately. She’s a skinny minnie, but keeps getting taller!
A tunic was just was the seamstress ordered. The fit is easy, and the tunic will help it last a little longer.
The fabric is a little light for our brisk winter weather, but it layers well. Nat is so tiny, we hardly used any fabric, so I still have a lot leftover for…me? 馃檪 We shall see. I have more peach skin fabric from Girl Charlee that I have been hoarding as well, that I’m excited to sew.
It can be a bugger to sew, but it’s a dream to wear.
So, so, SO soft… And silky. It was tricky to get it to just lay flat on the hanger. It just kept slipping this way and that. 馃檪
It slides on perfectly when worn though and it moves great. I think I’ll have to use it to make something with twirl next time.
Sources: Free crochet bonnet pattern // peach skin specialty woven fabric – Girl Charlee // tunic pattern by Grits and Giggles
Aspen @ little green orchids says
What a sweet little pattern! I love this fabric. And her legs seem like they’ve added three inches to them in just a few months!
Delia says
Thanks Aspen. I know! She is growing tall so quickly! eep!
Ari says
this is so cute!
Delia says
Thanks Ari! <3
Charity says
That’s a sweet top! I think it would look great on a lot of women too. I’m looking forward to trying some peachskin fabric out when I get the chance. =)
Delia says
Thanks Charity!
Jenilyn says
I love it Delia! That fabric is so darling and your model looks amazing!
Delia says
Thanks Jenilyn!