_________________________________________________I am so happy to be here for Dianna’s Terrific Tuesdays. My grandmother’s nickname for me is Dee Dee too, so feel particularly akin to her. 馃檪
Please be extra cautious around the water. I’m sure it goes without saying, but I’m going to say it just in case. Please, please watch your kids around water. Especially around fast moving streams like this.
Be mindful that these insects don’t make good pets. We brought ours home and within a few hours they met their demise. They need oxygenated water like the stream water you found them in. If you want to “keep” them look into preserving them as I mentioned at the beginning of the post.
Thanks for sharing this on my blog! I loved this post. What little kid doesn't love bugs 馃檪
My daughter's preschool took a field trip to a local creek where a local non-profit water conservation group met and taught us all about water bugs! We used a shallow white tub to dunk in the water's edge while digging in the sand/dirt/water with our feet to kick up bugs. Then using white ice cube trays, the kids "fished" out bugs from the tub using white plastic spoons,
What a fantastic idea to show with your little ones.