Today, I thought I would share some personal thoughts.We have some exciting news to share…
But before I get to that, I want to share some things from memory lane.
Having a baby makes me reflect on our other babies…naturally.
Owen, our first.
Came out looking like this.
So the first thing you notice besides how beautiful he is:) ? The fair fair skin. The odds aren’t as stacked against him as you think. Yes, I am half Chinese and have olive skin myself, but my mom is very fair, as is my husband and both his parents.
But…he also came out with blonde hair and blue eyes.
聽What?! You say?
I was just as shocked as anybody. My mother has blue eyes as does my husband’s mother. But…really. The odds were against him there.
聽photo credit for this photo and one below – David Mickelson
I would be asked by strangers and even Owen’s pediatrician if he was really mine. And you know, if I wasn’t there for the whole thing, I would wonder a little too!
That blonde fuzz and those true blues stuck around too, until he neared his second year.
Now, he’s our still fair skinned, hazel eyed, brunette little heart breaker…and of course looks just like his dad. 馃檪
Now for Reid.
One of the first things that came out of my mouth right when he was born was, “Whoa. He looks like my Dad!” My dad is Chinese…well…see for yourself:
Wasn’t he so cuddly cute?
With his dark skin, dark hair…
and dark eyes…
Basically a little male mini me. 馃檪
He did get his dad’s nose, but not a whole lot else.
I just love his endless brown eyes.
And so, although finding out the gender of our next child is quite exciting.
With our mixed bag of genes, we are definitely more anxious to meet her and to see what she looks like!
That’s right it’s a…
She is growing perfectly and is the busiest mover I’ve had yet.
This picture helps give us a little idea of what she’ll look like.
It’s already clear she has her dad’s smile and nose. 馃檪
It’s almost like she smiled for the camera…right on cue!
This picture helps give us a little idea of what she’ll look like.
It’s already clear she has her dad’s smile and nose. 馃檪
It’s almost like she smiled for the camera…right on cue!
Can’t wait to meet you sweet one.
What a fine news?!!! Congratulations with daughter's waiting!
Congratulations!! Oh how fun, a baby girl!!! I loved looking at the boys' baby pictures too, they're both darling 馃檪
yay 馃檪 Congratulations!!!!!
Yeah, congrats!!!!! You are going to have so much fun with a girl!
your kids are so.stinking.cute. seriously. 馃檪
congrats on having a girl! i have 2 of each and they're so uniquely wonderful! <3
Congrats! That will be so fun for you to have a cute little girl join your family!! You will love it and I am sure ALL of your boys will be just smitten with her!
yay delia and family! can't wait to see what a little girl will look like, what a fun little trip down memory lane with your boys, they're precious.
What lovely photos of your boys and what exciting news you are having a girl!! Congratulations!!
YAY! I'm so happy for you guys Delia! This is highly exciting and I'm like bursting with happiness for you over here! 馃檪 your two boys are gorgeous, and I know that you're going to have one more beautiful baby! 馃檪
sharde @ the style projects
Love your reveal post! You look great! Congratulations!
Congratulations on a little girl! It will be so fun to see all your projects you come up with. You look beautiful, as always.
Delia, I am so so soo happy for you! This baby girl is going to be so lucky to have two older brothers watching over her 馃檪
Aw congratulations! Prgenant mommies taking over blogland! Maybe I'll get some girly vibes sent my way from you and Dana and get one of those too!!!
Wonderful news! Congratulations!
Your babies are ALL beautiful…and so lucky to have a mama like you! Congratulations on your sweet little girl…..I have a girl and two boys and what a fun little mix!!! Sending happy thoughts your way-
Congrats on the exciting news! You have gorgeous babies and can't wait to see what the next one looks like.
oh a girl for you! i am so excited for you. my little girl melted her daddys heart… still does.
Congratulations! We're so happy for your family!
Oh, they are SO cute! Congrats! I love having 2 boys and a girl. My boys absolutely still adore her 3 years later, even though she's a fiesty one:). Congratulations!
so exciting! Congratulations!! What fun you will have creating things for her!!
Beautiful children!
Congratulations, this is a very sweet post!! I wish all the best for your family. Regards
Aww, the cutest baby story ever! Congratilation on your little baby girl and a sweet younger sister for your boys. They will make wonderful big brothers! 馃檪
awww…congratulations! your baby photos made me smile so wide.
Congratulations! So happy for you. My little boy is very fair, with blond hair and light eyes from his dad (I'm also half Asian) so it's always a fun surprise to see what traits they will inherit!
Congrats on your baby girl! I have two boys and am hoping #3 is a girl as well…your post gives me hope! 馃槈 Although, I would be wonderfully happy with a set of 3 boys too!
Congratulations! I know those sweet boys will be the best big brothers! My sister has two boys and then a little girl and boy is she the princess! Prayers for healthy momma and baby!
Wonderful news Delia! And I love the photos and stories of your boys – they're beautiful!
HOW EXCITING!! I have 2 boys myself, so hearing mamas of two boys having a girl makes me all giddy. Congratulations!!
Congratulations, you have beautiful children. I especially love their beautiful eyes. Blessings, Deborah
Congratulations! Your boys are so gorgeous, I know your daughter will be too!
That is fantastic news! Can't wait to see who she'll favor 馃檪
Congratulations! I'm sure she'll be just as beautiful as her brothers.
I think seeing who the baby looks like is one of my favorite things about having a baby. We've had 3 boys and 1 girl, two with blond hair and two with brown, all with my blue eyes.
Our families run across the complete melanin spectrum. We never know who our next baby will look like. It'
How fun! I'm so excited for your family! It will be fun to watch you as you embrace the world of a girl! Can't wait to see what you come up with. 馃檪
AAAAAHHHHH!!! WOO HOO! Congratulations! You are going to love having a girl!
Oh my word…those pictures! I love the last one of Little Miss smiling. Too precious. And your boys! Of course they are darling, but as babies? Oh my gosh they are killing me with cuteness. You have some seriously beautiful children.
oh yay! I'm excited! Now you'll have boy projects and girl projects. Congrats! Glad you're doing good.
Bust out the girl projects! How exciting! Congrats, Delia.
Congratulations! you have beautiful kids!
Congratulations! Your kids are just like mine. My husband and I both have dark hair. I have blue eyes. He has dark. Our first came out with blond hair and blue eyes. My husband had the whitest hair until he reached puberty, but I know people wonder if he's mine when we're in public, lol! My second has dark hair and dark blue eyes. I think her eyes will get darker as she gets older. It'
Yay, a girl! My sis-in-law has two boys and really wants a girl for the 3rd…this will give her hope. : )
Your boys are so stunning. They are beautiful. Thanks for sharing the pics and thoughts!
how exciting! congratulations and how fun for you to have a girl!!
Congrats! She will be beautiful. So happy for you and your adorable family.
YAY for babies!! If Dana was closer I would throw us all a baby party!! 馃檪 What fun! Congrats on having a girl!
Hooray for little girls! Congrats!
YAY! A girl!! Your boys are soooo beautiful!! My mother was asked the same things that you, because she has borwn hair and eyes, but my brother and me (or is "I", sorry for my poor english!) are blond and with blue and green eyes. Just like my father. Congrats again!!!!
So happy for you! How fun to add a little girl to those adorable boys. Congratulations!
Your boys are beautiful! Genes are so funny! I can't wait to see what the girl will look like!
oh my goodness, I'M SO EXCITED FOR YOU! sewing for a girl is so fun! seriously, so fun!
also, ppl always ask if I'm the nanny (though, both of mine just look like Adam… I didn't get the half and half like you). 馃檪
CONGRATS. SO SO SO exciting!
Your boys are handsome. Look out girls! My two boys also began with very blue eyes. Now, they are both hazel eyed boys like their dad.
And neither one is left handed like me. I'm sure your little girl will be a heart breaker like your boys 馃檪
oh wow! I'm so excited for you!! Fun! And you make very cute kids. I'm so excited to see what a mini Delia will look like.
congrats Delia! I'm sure she will be downright gorgeous like your other kiddos!
This reminds me of our family. My husband is half Indian and half white, so we assumed our boys would be darker. We were surprised when my first son (with a very indian name) arrived with blond hair and blue eyes. My second son is darker but has beautiful blue eyes as well. Genes are funny things.
Congratulations! Love the baby pics of your sons, so adorable. Its always fun to think about what the baby will look like. We just found out I'm having boy #2.
Everyone in your family is so photogenic. Beautiful pictures. What a fun and interesting blog!
Congratulations Delia and boys!! We only know girl babies in our house and I'm telling you- you're in for a treat!! Your boys are gorgeous, but your little girl will be a knock out!! Can't wait to see what you whip up for her! Love you, love your blog!
Well… I am a little behind on blog reading and just saw this! So excited for you. I was rooting for a girl. She's definitely going to be a beauty with both of your boys being such studs. I miss them!