Hi friends!
These are pictures of Natalie back from August, that I’ve never shared. 🙂 I just have to have pictures in my posts, otherwise I feel bare.
I finally revamped my blog!
There are the obvious changes, like the header and general design, but I also changed my domain.
That means I dropped the “blogspot” and am now simply deliacreates.com!
It feels so legit. Thank you to my brother, Eden, for getting me all set up!
I couldn’t resist including this picture of her little tongue sticking out.
The previous owners of my domain were questionable domain squatters, so you might see suspicious warnings on my pins or if you have a filter system on your computer. Those things should clear up very soon. Many apologies for the inconvenience.
Most of you won’t notice a difference in the domain change but some of you will need to update your bookmarks and such. If you go to my old blog address it will automatically redirect you to my new address, but I want to make some more changes in the future and it will be easiest if I can get everyone to switch over to my new home! 🙂
In addition to some redesigning, I implemented a few more changes as well:
– I have social media buttons in my sidebar to make it easier for you to connect to all facets of Delia Creates.
– I also signed up for Twitter. Hmmm…I’m still not very active on there yet because I prefer instagram, but you can get my instagram and facebook updates there if you want. I have been slow to get with social media but I’m learning. 😉
– I will now be answering comments in the comments section. I think this will help me be more efficient in responding to your questions and kind remarks (you guys are the best!). If the question can be better answered in email, I will respond accordingly; but for the most part, please check back for responses. Thank you!!!
-Oh and a quick thank you to the readers that have uploaded to my flickr page! I love to see what you guys create. I often get emails from you with the most darling projects. It makes my day! I know other people would love to see what you create too. If you made something using one of my tutorials, please upload it my flickr page HERE. I might do some flickr round ups of your projects in the future.
– Speaking of tutorials…My tutorial pages are up to date! Yay! It was a big project but it’s all done.
You can see that I’ve added more pages to make searching for projects a little bit easier.
It was fun to look back at some of my old posts. I thought I would highlight some Spring/Easter ones since Easter is just around the corner. (Can you believe it?) Click on each picture to go to the posts.
Oh, and I just found out that my Strawberry Lemon Crepe Cake above was just featured in the HuffPost Taste!
Go HERE to see the article. I feel so honored to be apart of such a great round up of crepe cakes on such a respected and distinguished site.
I hope you are all enjoying your week. We are seeing the first signs of spring here and the snow is melting a little bit. Winter is still insisting it stay awhile, but the brief hints of spring have me excited to share a few spring projects coming up!
Have a good one.
P.S. This girl turns ONE this weekend. I keep forgetting because I think I just don’t want to believe it! 🙂
Well it looks just fabulous!!! Good for you for getting it done 🙂 I can't believe she's one almost already!!!! Eek! Where is time going?
I love your new design — and congrats on the Huffington Post article! That is a HUGE deal. You should be so proud!
The blog looks awesome, those pictures are adorable, and happy FIRST birthday to your beautiful little girl!!
I like your new design.Its very simple.Like, like, like 🙂
And happy birthday to your sweet and beautiful girl!
Have a good day!
Blog looks awesome, and way to get your hands on that domain! I'll go through my pins and try to delete the .blogspot from them to make sure people can get through without hassle.
And omigosh I can't believe Nat is almost one!
The blog is looking great! I just recently switched mine from blogspot.com as well, but I haven't done the social media buttons yet or updated my tutorial page yet. lol…. I am so behind the time!
Looking great! I'm trying to decide whether to switch over from my blogspot address, good on you for taking the leap.
I am so excited to follow along and love your new look Delia! When I stopped by your tutorials page the other day I was literally blown away! You are simply amazing!!!
But come on – how stinking cute is your baby girl?!!! I love these photos!!!
Looks great and I'm glad you got your domain away from the squatters!
Looks fabulous, Delia! I can't wait till we get ours moved over and redone.
Great new look Delia! The tutorials page is next on my list…not looking forward to it, but it’s a necessary evil, huh? 🙂
Happy birthday weekend!! My twins turn one tomorrow… and I am finally facing the music!
Thank you, thank you guys! I know. Natalie jumped from 9 months to a year in the blink of an eye it feels like.
And thanks for the blog love. 🙂
Kristin, that is above and beyond. Thank you!
Lindsay – I know. I still need to pinch myself over that sometimes. 🙂 Thanks.
Hayley and Jess…revamping the tutorials page was seriously a 3 week long endeavor. Ugh. SO glad it’s done. 🙂 I don’t envy you guys.
Jen – good luck with the switch!
Melissa – I know! Pirates!!! ARgh. 🙂
Megan – Awww. Well happy birthday to your littles too!
I have always loved every look you’ve ever had up on the blog. This one suits you perfectly! And you little baby is such a doll! 🙂
I feel like I haven’t stopped by your blog in awhile and your baby girl is so adorable. She’s beautiful!
I’m so envious of the up-to-date tutorials page….ours is a disaster page of doom!!!!! Aghh!
Your new look is great—love the black and white! Super cute.
Congratulations on your new domain name… and lovely redesign. Having that organized tutorial page must feel so nice! I don’t have enough tutorials to worry about organizing them yet… =)
Love that you got the domain! 😀 I can’t believe Natalie is almost one?!?! The blog looks great and congrats on the Huffington Post!! That is awesome!
Congrats on the Huffpo mention! And I do love the new look =)
Ooo, it all looks great! I am stalling on adding all of my LTC tutorials to my family blog, it seems like the right thing to do, just takes FOR.EV.ER. Yuck.
Glad to see you have a link to your Flickr site! I'll be sure to add my chef hat and a few other Delia goodies.
Hope the party was a blast! I always love your shindigs.
Happy Monday!