They’re my creamy yogurt pancakes with frozen blueberries mixed in and sugared strawberry syrup on top {see this post for the pancake recipe and this post for the strawberry syrup}.
I decided to experiment and added 1/3 c. of corn meal in place of the all-purpose flour. Hmmm…I like to add 1-2 TBSP. usually. Well it tasted sweet, but I think the saying “less is more” applies here. It was crumbly, plus it made it hard to flip the pancakes. Live and learn.
Ariana says
Hey that looks cool! I was just at Target, and they had FLAT marshmallows! Kraft brand. All the better for smore-ing!
The Miller Five says
Get out! That is so cool! My door is always wreath-less, because we have a window with a design. When there is a wreath in front of it, it throws off all sorts of weird shadows and prisms. It freaked me out. Lame, I know. Have a great 4th! I miss Utah in July. Always so much fun.
Squirrelhaus says
Love your door wreath, it's super cute…I'm going to make me one! A new follower! Love your blog! Happy 4th of July to you!
Chris from the frozen land of Alaska! :o)
Tori says
I love your wreath, you are always so fun and inventive!! Also I love your pancakes…they make a pregnant lady hungry! 馃檪 I may just have to try them out this weekend!
Allie says
ohhhhhh my goodness. those pancakes look amazing. and that wreath is my favorite 4th of july wreath I've seen yet. seriously awesome. I'm trying to get mine finished today. Better late than never. 馃檪 Your work is always great. Love the blog. Happy weekend!
Jennifer Cleaver says
I love your wreath!