Today, I have a blogging super star here as my guest... Jessica from Craftiness Is Not Optional is here of course! I mean, what can this girl NOT do? She is cookie decorator supreme, she is a party throwing queen, and she is a sewing machine. …
color your summer 3
Color Your Summer WHITE with Skirt As Top
You know when you stumble on a blog that is so amazing that you instantly want to be friends with the girl who writes it? That's what I felt when I first discovered Skirt As Top. I feel so lucky to say that Kristin, the brains and beauty behind …
Color Your Summer RAINBOW with Alida Makes
You guys! My guest today is a drop dead gorgeous, terribly funny, totally hip, incredibly talented southern belle and mama to four... I am so excited to welcome Alida from Alida Makes! This girl is amazing. She sews, she crafts, and she …
Color Your Summer Blue with The Sewing Rabbit
Woohoo! Guess who's here? Jessica the Sewing Rabbit!! You may also know her as the creative genius behind Me Sew Crazy, and Sew Set, and Digital Needle (online sewing classes coming soon), AND Girl's Night Out dinners for bloggers, and her …