Much to my husband's chagrin, wide leg pants are IN! ...and I'm a fan. (poor husband haha) I tried shopping for a pair of ready to wear wide leg pants and had a tough time finding ones that were flattering on me. Then in Forever 21 of all …
Basket Backpack Tutorial (video)
After admiring many images of basket backpacks on Pinterest, and not being able to afford the price tag for most of them, I did what a DIY-er can't help but do...I made one myself! And it was SO easy! There is no sewing, no gluing... no …
Easy Overalls Tutorial with Elastic Straps
In my last post I showed you a video tutorial on how to turn your pants into cute little overall shorts. Now, I'm going to share another version... this time with more traditional overall buckles and and not so traditional elastic. You …
Pants to Overalls (video) Tutorial
As the weather warms up and my kids' pants start to look like they're waiting for a flood, I usually cut them off into shorts. This time, I thought I would hang onto the pant legs and turn those shorts into overalls! Er...overshorts...overall …