I don’t care what you all say…or what my husband says :)…country Christmas music is the best. I am not an avid country music fan, although I like it, but country Christmas music…sigh…sentimental, corny, funny, cheery. The best!
You know that George Strait song, “Christmas Cookies” ?…totally cheesy I know. But when I am making Christmas sugar cookies it sure is hard not to sing that silly song.
My kids “helped” decorate which means that they really just frosted a few and promptly ate them. 🙂 Once my 2 year old figured out that you had to eat the broken ones. He would get a new one out and immediately announce, “Op. Broken Mommy!” and then eat it.
Here is one my 5 year old was able to frost and not eat…although he licked his fingers like a million times so I still can’t give it away. Oh well…more for us.
I hope you all are enjoying the season, baking, shopping, and spending time with family and friends!
and that's why I eat Christmas cookies aallll year long.
We love that song around here, and in fact, before I even read your post I thought, "Now I have that song stuck in my head." My hubby sang it at 3 different Christmas parties where he was asked to play at, with his guitar. It is cheesy, but fun.
Yours look great! I have yet to make any because I&#
Mmmm, your cookies look beautiful! What kind of frosting do you use, it looks really thick and yummy:) I've never heard that song before, but I'm on my way to listen to it! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Your cookies look amazingly delicious!!! Mmh…
And I love that song!
These look amazing!! I want to eat them!
can you say "yum!"?
I spent the weekend baking as well! Yay! Your cookies look great! You are so lucky you have all of that room to spread out…I'm stuck in a tiny kitchen for now! But at least I have that right!
So I just stumbled across your blog when I was looking at another blog and I saw your picture and thought, hey! I know her!!! I love your ideas. You are so talented and I love the pictures you take of your boys. I'm going to save your blog to my list so I can continue to see all of your great ideas. Merry Christmas!
I love the peppermint candies on the cookies! Once my hubby and I made a cake topped with something similar.