I decided to decorate our kitchen for Christmas with…what else? Food!
I dried these orange slices last year in my oven and finally did something with them this year.
Six of them were glued to some mat board and framed {same frame from these other projects here and here…}
and now reside above our lovely *cough* oven. Hey…at least we have one! This is a time to be grateful right?
The rest were stuffed in this fake evergreen wreath …
with pine cones from the tree in our yard.
It hangs over our sink and smells delightful…well to me anyway. My husband thinks it smells like Theraflu which is a bad smell to him because he associates it with being sick. Luckily I do most of the dishes anyway.
See our chore charts in the background? We keep them in our window sill.
Drying oranges is easy and if you don’t think they smell like Theraflu 馃檪 they make your house smell delicious…mmmm.
Here is what I did last year:
I simply sliced two oranges about 1/4 inch thick. Which yielded about 20 slices from two medium-large oranges.
Arranged them on cookie sheets being careful not to squish them.
Baked them at 200 degrees for half a day…think 7+ hours. Flipping the slices and rotating the pans a few times during the baking time.
Let them cool overnight which helped them dehydrate more and harden.
And that’s it!
I have read that you can add some cinnamon to the them before baking which would smell…amazing…but might change the appearance of the oranges.
With oranges being in season right now, this is a great winter craft. You warm up your house by having the oven going, and you get some wassail-ish smells wafting around too.
Merry Crafting!
No way! I am totally doing this!
Mmmm, I think that smell would be delightful!! What a wonderfully, Christmasy idea!
Delia, do you have any fun, unique ideas for stockings? I want to do something cute and different next year {it’s just not going to happen this year, but next year it would be fun to have something different than just plain red stockings}. I would love any ideas!
Wow, I love your decorations!!
I love dryed oranges as well! Made some for my deco, too!!
Wow! What a beautiful and unique idea. I’ll have to see what I can do to incorporate these into a kid activity. Fun, fun!
That is a fabulous idea Delia. So sweet.
what a pretty wreath! lovely ideas
I love the kitchen wreath! And thanks for sharing how to dry the oranges- they look so pretty (and I think I’d really like the smell)! I’ll definitely be doing that sometime in the next few days 馃檪
LOVE the wreath!!