I know, I know. You’re probably wondering how economical it is to make your own gift bag.

Well, I did the math, and my largest bag cost just under 20 cents! It takes just about the same time to make a reusable bag as it takes to wrap a present too.
And in these pandemic times, it’s nice to not to have to make another trip to the store!

It does help to use a sturdier paper. I got a roll of 140 feet of painter’s kraft paper from Home Depot in the paint aisle for about $12. It’s a sturdier kraft wrapping paper and as I mentioned…is very affordable!

And you can make them in ANY size to fit what you’re wrapping.
I created a Reel for instagram and decided to share the video here too.
- Wrapping paper (thicker is better)
- hot glue
- string
- hole punch
- ruler
This video screen will pop to the side so you can view it while you scroll through the instructions while you watch.
Music is by Pleasant Pictures Music Club.
- Cut a rectangle of paper. It really doesn’t matter what size, just be sure to account for a couple inches of fold at the top of the bag, and determine how wide, deep, and tall you want it to be.
- Fold in half width-wise and only press fold enough to mark the center point.
- Fold ends in toward center and have them overlap about 1/2 inch.
- Open paper back up and fold one long end over a couple of inches (this will be the top of your bag).
- Fold the sides back to center and nest the folds at the ends into each other.
- Glue the overlapped ends together.
- Fold the sides in a couple of inches. You decide how much, just make sure they’re the same. I use a ruler to be sure, because precision matters. A lopsided bag is no fun to fold up. Fold it back the other way so it has a memory of folding both ways.
- Invert the side folds.
- Fold the bottom (raw, non-folded end) upward a few inches. You decide how wide you want your bag. Fold the other way so it has a memory both ways. Unfold.
- Fold the bottom corners up to the fold line at the bottom. Flip and fold the other way so it has a memory of folding both ways. Unfold.
- Open up the bottom folds and invert the folds inward like you are wrapping the end of a box.
- Glue the ends in place from the bottom and then from the inside.
- Fold the bag flat with the bag folding up toward the seam side of the bag.
- Punch holes, evenly spaced, for the handles. A standard hole punch should be able to go through both bag layers at the same time, so you can ensure they are lined up.
- Tie in handles by knotting them on the inside of the bag.

You’re done!

Easy right? The first few will take a while, but once you get the folding pattern down, they come together really quickly.

Save this post for whenever you need a bag in a pinch! 馃槈
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