My uber crafty friend Paige {who has no blog – but she should have one!} made these for a baby shower so I thought I would try recreating them and show you how.
Then take a wash cloth. My friend used a hand towel but I felt that was kind of big – do what you like. Pin the hemmed bandanna to the cloth.
Get both sides and sew wherever the wash cloth meets the bandanna. It makes it look funny when it is laid out but when you put it on you can’t see the lines. You could just not sew on the top of the wash cloth but then you would have a pocket on the underside and with food around and little hands you might end up with a kangaroo pocket full of food. Just a thought.
All done. Make one or three or more! So easy!
It is super simple and fast but looks so cute!
Those little hands already trying to get that bandanna part to come off. See what I mean? 馃檪 I love that this bib is part towel. The towel absorbs messes so much better and makes clean up a bit easier!
that is so cute. will he really still wear a bib? ty has been done with bibs for month!!
I love the camo bib. I might try this for a baby shower gift, or a couple girly ones for later.
Oh, by the way have you tried taking newborn baby pictures. Mine is due the end of June and I would love to get some but most places charge a ton for newborn pictures. Let me know.
That is JUST TOO CUTE & SO easy!!
I've got a couple of little wranglers who could use those bibs myself!
the first of July will work great. I will keep you updated and I will try to call or e-mail after the baby is here.
Thanks, Kaylyn
I was given these as a gift with my first child without being told what they were. i was convinced they could not possibly be bibs because the fabric gathers so heavily around a baby’s neck, it was too impractical to use. Six years later, and I still haven’t used them. I’m thinking of picking the stitches and just using the washcloths which would be much more useful.
My daughter-in-law used them from the time the baby began eating until they were 4-5 years old. If they were eating something messy, it helped keep them from having to be changed immediately afterward. Being a bigger bib, they last much longer. I guess it’s all in what you like for your child. I think they’re wonderful.
Thank you.Yes! I found the bigger bibs to be so helpful too. The smaller bibs are really better as drool bibs.