So…it’s been while since I updated you on Natalie. She’s EIGHT months now!
I know!
I can’t believe it either.
I have her six month and seven month pictures on the blanket, but it looks much like these, except she’s shorter (she seems to only grow long and not out) and slightly less wiggly!
She got really annoyed with me when I kept laying her on her back. 🙂
Holding a book helped.
Shortly after she turned 7 months, she started doing this too…
I know!
It was a couple seconds at random moments at first. She has since worked her way up to longer stints and taking assisted steps.
I honestly struggled with this for a while and even kind of whined about it on instagram (@deliacreates). Then, I realized how selfish I was being.
I was feeling sorry for myself that my (mostly likely) last baby is growing up too fast, instead of being amazed by her and celebrating her for who she is! She deserves better than that. She deserves my full appreciation and excitement. So, I’m working on switching gears.
Another big change that happened this week was that I weaned her. It’s been the best thing for our family as a whole, but it’s still been hard to make the change. I’m pretty sad to have this phase of having babies and nursing over, but I knew it was going to have to happen sometime. Just didn’t expect it to happen this soon!
I’m not sure which is harder, growing up, or having to watch your children do it.
Life is good friends, and life is beautiful in all it’s seasons. (I’m trying to remind myself this as I type)
Hope your weekend was restful and warm.
mama you are amazing! and natalie is absolutely perfect! You're doing a fantastic job ^_^
I know how you feel, Delia. Nikki (who is now 18 months) started crawling, pulling herself up, and cruising around the furniture at 7 months. I was proud of her, but at the same time, I wanted to whine about it because she was supposed to stay in the cuddly stage for longer! (And to make matters worse, she did all three in the same week!) And I guarantee it that I'll be back later this
Your daughter is gorgeous as always. I remember watching my little girl take her first few steps and it was all so exciting, and even though everyone kept telling me I'd get frustrated soon enough with her extra mobility I love the freedom this gives her. With every new milestone she hits I sometimes find myself feeling nostalgic for the good old days when she was so tiny and helpless, but I
How cute is she! My babies turned 8 months old last week too! We are definitely not standing yet, but my son got two teeth and started to crawl – all this weekend. I don't know if I am ready to see a big boy smile with teeth. My daughter is a little slower than her brother- in fact she just mastered rolling over; and selfishly I don't mind one bit 🙂
i was just thinking about you and your baby!! They do grow up so quickly1!!
You're such a good mama. Hugs (the gentlest kind). Take care.
She is beautiful — and it's amazing that she's already so mobile at just eight months! So lucky that you get to watch her grow. 🙂
She looks like she just keeps getting taller. They do so much changing so quickly, try to enjoy it all.
Oh, my goodness! She is so cute… and standing unassisted already? My 11-month old has just been brave enough to do that on purpose in the past week! (She has been doing it accidentally for a few months, but would always sit down when she noticed she was standing…)
It is hard, seeing your babies grow up. But at the same time, it is so amazing to watch them hit each milestone… it gives
She is such a beauty. I love the pictures you post and am amazed that she is already 8 months!
I understand those bittersweet feelings. I still miss the nursing babe snuggles…and my "baby" is 7 now.