Remember this broach from Not Martha posted at Holidash?
I made one from another felted wool sweater I have been saving for…something. Do you do that too? My husband is really patient with me for doing that. 馃檪 I know…I am on a roll for ruining wool sweaters. I have one left…it’s pink. Let’s see how long it lasts.
Well…so I am sure that regular felt is easier to be more exact with…and ahem…if you are more careful about cutting, your flower will look more like a perfect dahlia and less like a ball of orange moss- my husband’s words not mine. 馃檪 I would show you an up close…but I didn’t get one in time for this post. Just imagine the nice one above but a little messier. 馃檨
Still I liked it enough to wear it for family pictures I tried to do myself. Really…not great.
See…kids aren’t looking. Sigh. My husband is trying to hold as still as possible because we were using a timer…oh what a lame picture.
edited to add: I got a comment about Reid’s little tie. Go to this post and you should find the link on how to make it there. It is made out of an old man’s tie.
I almost decided to hire out for someone to do them for us but decided I don’t really want all the fun extras that come with a full photo shoot this time. I really just want a family picture and a jumping picture for the Christmas card.
Plus I did get this “extra” that I like from the first attempt. It is probably the only picture I really like from our first attempt. Sigh…again.
I gave it another shot today at our house…
Much better.
I am a big fan of pictures at our own home. Everyone is more comfortable and the location less novel. I think it really captures our family better to be at home in our jeans just having fun.
Darling family pictures, Delia!!
i think all the pictures are great!! love the wee mans tie 馃槈
You've got a lovely family. The last picture is great.
I really like the one of all your silhouettes. 馃檪 Do you live in Logan? I recognize some of the places you have taken photos and I totally LIVE at Honks all a dollar. I think I go there right after you because I saw only a few spray paints left. 馃檪
P.S. love your brooch 馃槈
Love the jumping pic. Why don't you just hop on over to Denver and do this for us! 馃榾 I guess I could just use my timer too.
oh it's gorgeous. And I love the family pics. Really cute.
beautiful family!!! you guys look like you know how to have fun!
Your family pictures are amazing. The last one is perfect 馃檪 I LOVE jumping pictures… They are the best. And that flower is beautiful!! Great job!
Love your clips ! Love your blog! It is inspirational! Love the pics of your family…God bless!
Thanks for sharing!