I saw this cool kid project from Blue Eyed Freckle and knew my kids would love to do it too. Our shapes turned out less artistic but still worked.
So…my five year old didn’t really follow instructions well. I asked him to cut the foam into shapes however he wanted…simple and easy right? He ended making some rocket boat thing that involved glue and some beads from his crafting stash that has since disappeared. 馃檪 I keep telling myself that he will follow instructions better from his Kindergartner teacher. I hope. I just pick my battles, and this was one I let go. Plus I want him to feel like, with me, he can control his creativity with projects like this however he wants.
In any case I chopped up some foam…by myself… in about 10 minutes. Way easy.
Even though the creating part didn’t pan out like I hoped, both my boys have loved using the shapes in the bath tub. What a fun easy activity to create your own foam numbers, letters {I didn’t get that ambitious} and shapes instead of buying them at the store.
Cheaper too. I got a large pack of foam sheets a ways back from Michaels, with a coupon, for I think maybe for $3-$4 {I can’t even remember} and we have barely used half of the foam.
My kids have foam letter and they love them, we make up words all the time. These are so cool too, you can build, design etc. I don't think I could get my kids out of the tub with these.