If you read about Natalie’s gold star birthday party, then this cake post should be no surprise.
I love the look of “naked” cakes. You know…cakes with no frosting up the sides and with the filling frosting exposed?
They are way easier to make as well. I love cakes that are hard to mess up.
This cake is allergy free or vegan too…but I’ll get to that at the end. First, let’s talk about the cake toppers.
They are super simple to make. Just take some pipe cleaners…
Draw a star on a piece of paper and use that as a guide to shape your pipe cleaners. Easy peasy! You could do this with almost any shape.
For the other toppers, I just cut out some stars out of gold glitter craft foam (mine is from Jo-Ann) and hot glued them to more gold pipe cleaners.
When your cake is ready, you just place them in the top!
For Natalie’s candle, I painted and glittered up a number 2 candle. I was inspired by Jessica’s, also gold and glittery little deer party HERE.
This number candle is from Walmart in the bakery (not the baking or cake decorating aisles). If you don’t like what you find in the sprinkles/baking area of your store, always check the bakery. I almost always like their candle selection better over there. I wish I could have found it in white, because the blue was hard to cover up. But the shape of this candle was nicer than the white candles.
Natalie was a fan.
And I was super stoked to score some cool gold star paper plates at The Dollar Tree (they are seasonal and were offered with their Mardi Gras stuff). I maaaay have snagged five packs of plates. How could I resist?!
The cake was made using THIS dairy and egg free cake recipe from Milk Allergy Mom. I used the vanilla cake variation and as always used about half the sugar (still tastes great!).
To make this layered cake you have to quadruple the recipe. Each layer equals one recipe’s worth of cake batter. It doesn’t rise a whole lot so it produces a thinner cake (or there is less batter?).
For the frosting, instead of using my allergy friendly buttercream frosting recipe I mixed things up a bit. I wanted it to hold up better at room temperature. I started with the recipe Milk Allergy Mom shares in the same cake recipe post HERE but I changed it a little to make it fluffier.
Easy Allergy Friendly Frosting Recipe
(makes enough for this four layer cake)
3/4 cup chilled dairy free margarine (we use Earth Balance)
3/4 cup chilled shortening
2-3 TBSP. coconut milk
2 1/2 + cups of powdered sugar
In a chilled bowl, whip margarine and shortening together. Add 1 cup of powered sugar. Add milk, one tabelspoon at a time, and rest of sugar slowly until you get the consistency you like. Once it’s combined, whip the frosting on high for about 30 seconds longer to get it nice and fluffy.
After serving it, we added some sugared strawberries on top strawberry shortcake style.
Seriously yummy!
And seriously easy.
Wow, they would be great for a special birthday for a teen or adult.
Ooh that smile !! <3
Thank you Sophie.
I love your page. You have decorated the cake beautifully. Loved the cake toppers.
Thank you so much Arya!
That’s adorable!!! I’ll have to remember this for the birthdays next December!
Thanks Kimberly.
Very cute! I love it!

I added this post in a selection about diy cake toppers.
If you want to take a look, I linked you here: http://creamamma.blogspot.it/2014/03/20-cake-toppers-ideas.html
Thanks a lot and best wishes to your nice little girl!
I always follow you!
Try blending soaked cashews, coconut butter, agave, stevia and a lemon. Kinda the same thing as frosting and a lot healthier:)
Thank you Frank. We also have nut allergies to manage though. Your recipe may help others though. Thank you for sharing it.
Fab cake. What is shortening? I’m in the uk and have a wheat/dairy free son to cater for. We only use a little honey in lieu of sugar – cinnamon also adds some sweetness. Thanks
Sure. Shortening is similar to lard but it’s made with vegetable oil. I hope that helps!