Good men (or blogger husbands) ask their wives first before eating anything in the fridge that might be apart of a future blog post.
Good men, not only stop eating but help the kids freeze too, when mom pulls out the camera to take a picture of the food.
Good men, happily help fold the new fabric you just put through the wash and that shed threads all over his pants.
Good men, carefully step over and around the ten different projects taking up residence in your craft room/bedroom. Even if one of them is hogging his night stand.
Good men, give kisses and a quick shoulder massage to their wives before heading up to bed, while she says “one more….er….hour and I’ll be up to bed” as she stares at her latest blog post on the computer.
Good men, just laugh when you tell them you made a “quick” stop at the fabric store.
Good men, happily humor you when you need your picture taken in your front yard in front of all the neighbors who must be wondering what the heck you both are doing.
Good men, don’t mind that their wives put an ad at the top of a blog post about them. After all it’s paying for their Father’s Day gift. (Probably the first gift he hasn’t had to pay for himself! 馃檪 )
The life of a blogger husband is not for everyone. I am sure grateful my husband fits the role well. He has really done all of the above and more. He has been my greatest supporter but doesn’t hesitate to dish out a few good humored bits of sarcasm to keep my perspective in place. Although, the details of blogging don’t interest him, he knows it matters to me and makes that a priority in his life.
He is also a wonderful father. He loves to play with our children…truly play with them. He provides for them, talks with them, listens to them, loves them. I count my children as very lucky individuals to have him in their life.
Happy Father’s Day to my Good Man.
I hope you all enjoyed your Father’s Day as well.
Please share some things that your “good men” – fathers, husbands, brothers, boyfriends – do for you…
Ola says
This is such a lovely tribute to your husband. I too have a very supportive husband, it makes life so much easier, doesn't it? I hope he comes home soon for you. xxx
The Miller Five says
What a beautiful tribute to your wonderful husband. My husband selflessly took on my two beautiful girls and loves them like they are his own. He is the best father any kid could ask for and a very patient husband. 馃檪
Lindsey says
Lovely tribute 馃檪 I am lucky to be married to a very patient man who offers tons of encouragement and support when I'm up late finishing last minute gifts. I do it all the time, you would think I would learn, but he keeps me stress free and tells me how great the outcome is. Love him!
Heather Feather says
how sweet!
my “real man” husband came looking for me when I was grocery shopping and forgot to bring my phone and forgot to tell him I was also going to the fabric store too. Luckily I came home in time to see him walking on the side of the road!
MammaRachel says
Whitney says
my wonderful husband washes the dinner dishes whenever he is home. (He is Navy) He plays tea party with our girls. He wrestles with all 4 of our children. He was recently away for 3 weeks (for work) and he sent each of us a special something….hair bows and games and crafts for our girls, a shark toy and “boy” rubber duckie for our son, and a pair of TOMS for me! he is extremely wonderful. 馃檪 Glad to hear you have one of those as well!
Jared says
Thanks for the wonderful blog post. What you didn’t mention was the complaining that goes along with many of the efforts listed above. I love you! I know you may still feel like you could have done more on Father’s day, but I wouldn’t think of changing one thing about the trip back home.
amy c @ says
i have been meaning to comment on this since reading it but this is so sweet. good men are a blessing. 馃檪