I thought I would take a quick break from Color Your Summer II and show you what’s been growing around here…
Our garden.
You can already see bare spots where I’ve pulled heads of butter crunch for dinner.
Our soil has a high clay content but seems to always give us a productive garden. We feel very blessed.
He learned how to blow bubble gum bubbles this week.
He learned to wink.
And Natalie…
She turned 3 months old yesterday!
She grows more beautiful and stronger everyday. Look at those long legs. I know this girl is going to be taller than me one day.
As a side note…we tried baking some of our produce this week. Not the usual suspects either…
We baked some corn on the cob. I heard that this is a pin on pinterest but haven’t pinned it myself. Simply put them on a baking sheet husk and all. Bake for 30-45 minutes at 350 degrees. It yields juicy, sweet, delicious corn and makes the husks easier to remove. I don’t think I will ever make corn on the cob any other way. Delish!
We also baked some kale into kale chips. Using this recipe. I used kosher salt instead of seasoning salt.
It looks strange but it was AMAZINGly good. You absolutely MUST try this recipe. My kids even loved it. Just make sure you eat it right out of the oven before it gets soft.
Hope you had a delicious weekend. See you bright and early tomorrow for more Color Your Summer!
You grew your own corn? *does a Bill and Ted impression* We're not worthy, we're not worthy! 馃槈 We tried that two years ago. We got pencil thin stalks that the wind blew down, and the weirdest ears of corn you've ever seen!
Oh, I LOVE that wink picture! You can tell he's concentrating so hard 馃檪 Natalie has the cutest smile. What a beautiful baby she is!
Oh no…I think the way I worded that gave you the impression that that was our corn. It's not. It's from our bountiful basket from this past week. I changed the wording.
We have grown corn in the past. The stalks were short and we only yielded like 8-10 full ears for the whole summer's worth of growing. Backyard corn growing is hard work! I hear ya on that one. 馃檪
You can do the same thing with corn if you put it on the grill instead of in the oven, if you happen to be grilling out.
Kale chips are the BEST! My kids eat them up, too. We recently tried turnip greens, cooked the same way. You can hardly tell the difference.
Love these pictures! I made corn like that the other day too. The only thing I didn’t like was the smell of the husks getting brown. I think I might try soaking them in water, just to slow the beginning to burn process down. . . . 馃檪
AWESOME garden! I’m growing tomatoes, but the dang wild bunnies keep chomping on them. Ugh! Love your adorable kids. I can’t believe how big Natalie is getting! Such cutie pies!