Hello…I hope you guys all had a wonderful weekend. We were steeped in SNOW the whole weekend. Yes, I said snow. But it’s finally melting again so things are looking up.
Today, I am pleased to introduce you to Sharde.
She is a super cute girl, who is just shy of 21, and already with a fun creative blog of her own, called The Style Projects.
She sews, she has hair tutorials. She of course has great style. I wish I looked this good lounging around my house. but…I definitely do not. 馃檪
She made this cool no sew lacy shirt project,
And she makes {my favorite of all her projects}… cute hair accessories.
She is going to share another hair accessory with us today plus a bonus skinny belt version.
So here is Sharde herself…
Sharde! I love it. That bow belt is already on my to do list.
I hope you were inspired by Sharde today. Head on over to her blog for more great projects…
Have wonderful day!
Cute belts! And what a cute girl. I don’t look that stylish lounging around the house either. In fact, I’m not feeling well today, so it’s a messy bun and a cozy jog suit. Definitely not attractive. I’m going to attempt one of these belts for my uber stylish daughter!
Great belt! Super easy to