Hope your Easter was delightful.
Ours was good. We didn’t get to do everything we wanted. Like dye eggs…there’s a dozen hard boiled white eggs still in the fridge that I didn’t remember until bedtime Sunday night . Sleep deprivation has had noticeable affects on my memory. 馃檪 There’s always next year I guess.
I’ll try not to feel guilty until then, because we did get a few Easter traditions in.
Like get new Easter clothes/accessories…
I made some Lil’ Mister bow ties for the boys.
Owen got some suspenders too. I used the tutorial from Simple Simon & Co. as my guide…found here.
I made a seer sucker skirt for me too, but the fine stripes weren’t flattering on me. I had a gray skirt to match the boys already anyway. So, I was going to scrap it and make a skirt for Nat but….surprise!
The day I planned to sit down and make it, Dana sent me the perfect Easter skirt in the mail. It’s a mini circle skirt. Seriously adorable! It was also a life saver because I didn’t know if I had it in me to sew that day.
Thank you sweet Dana. 馃檪
And it matched the boys. Perfect!
I still have yet to get a really great picture of all three of them together. I like this one but no one’s looking up and Natalie looks like she’s getting loved a little too much. 馃檪
Heck…Sometimes it’s a trick to get a good picture of just the two boys together.
Yes…Owen is spitting in this picture.
Boys, boys, boys. But that’s what I love about them.
We made it out to church as a family of five for the first time.
I had us all matching in gray, white, and yellow, except for my husband. I’m still trying to convince him that he would look sexy in a bow tie.
We also had some Lemon Strawberry Crepes.
Instead of making it into a cake. This year I did individual rolls with sliced banana inside.
It felt good to get into the kitchen again. My husband expressed gratitude for my return to the kitchen later when we were having leftovers. I guess eating out and freezer meals aren’t as much fun after a while.
And just for good measure. Here are some other fun pictures from this past weekend.
Broiled Lemon Asparagus. Yes, please.
Genuine love and laughter. I love my family.
The trees bloomed and turned to popcorn just in time for Easter.
The bees were happy.
How have my boys not learned what bunny ears are yet? We are not doing our job as parents apparently. 馃檪 My husband fixed that right quick.
And then we had bunny ears of a different kind. My mom sends us stickers every year. I thought this years’ were pretty fun.
Hoppy {belated} Easter!
Cute! Your kids are adorable! 馃檪
thats such a fun Easter dressing up. I love to match but this year it just didn’t work out. Love the supenders and bow ties!
Such beautiful photos of your family! Looks like you had a great Easter Sunday. 馃檪
aw. the skirt looks so cute on her! I love the outfit ensemble. Very cute!
Love the striped suspenders!!!
Your family looks so cute all together!
Wow- Dana's skirt couldn't have been any closer to matching, eh? 馃檪 So glad your first trip to Church was a positive thing- your family is beautiful and authentic 馃檪
PS… Looking forward to your photography series if you choose to do it! Any tips on bigger groups would be nice to see 馃檪 Hope you have a great rest of the week
I love your cute outfits! I always looked forward to seeing them at church. Adorable.
Your pictures are always so peaceful to me. I love looking at them. You have such a beautiful family, and you look fabulous! I hope all is well, Delia!
And seeing Dana’s skirt she sent you reminds me that I have been meaning to get your address from you, so yah, I need your address (wink wink).
again beautiful pictures! seersucker is a springy must. 馃檪
Beautiful family and pictures!!
I just made it to your blog today and am enjoying everything I'm seeing. I especially loved this post because I am crazy obsessed with matching my boys together and matching my whole family for Christmas and Easter. My boys are still small enough that they can wear rompers. I'm lucky, though, to have a husband that's a good sport and wears whatever I make him 馃檪 Thanks for sharing !!