With Easter coming up this Sunday I wanted to do a service project with this holiday in mind.
I so often use my creative talents for my kids, friends, and family. This time I wanted to give a gift to people I don’t know but have a profound love for already.
I was inspired by a project that was around the blog-o-sphere sometime last year…or least I thought so. I went through the history of 4 blogs I was certain mentioned a project like this but came up empty-handed. Sigh. {If you know what I am talking about please comment…thank you!}
Anyway…on with the story. It was a project of making blankets for still born babies. Often the blankets that hospitals have to give to parents to wrap their still born child in is much too large for their small, often pre-term bodies, and they dwarf them. The idea is to have a blanket for these babies that is smaller and more suited to their size. It is also a keepsake blanket that the parents can keep to remember their child by. I was so touched by this cause and having known two people in my life that have endured such a trial, I wanted to help. I called my local hospital to see if I could help in my own community. They didn’t have a specific project going on for this cause but said they would welcome any such blankets and that there was a need.
The blankets are to be simple and the colors not overpowering for such a small baby and a tender moment. So, I decided to use pale colored flannel, a decorative stitching around the edges, rounded corners, and tie them up with pretty ribbon. It was simple enough that a novice sewer like me could contribute a handmade gift of love to help comfort these weary parents.
I liked doing this project for Easter and thought it fitting since we can have hope through Jesus Christ that these little ones will live again because of His glorious Resurrection.
There is still some time before this Sunday. Please, as we get ready for Easter, be of service to someone else. No matter what you believe or don’t believe. Now is always a good time to love and serve someone else. : )
I have stitch envy! My machine only does the most basic of stitches, lots of them I don't even know why in the world you would use them, they look like erratic heart monitors.
Oh Delia thats an awesome idea!
What a beautiful and thoughtful thing! The blankets are so sweet. I love the fabric you used.
I know exactly what you’re talking about. The blog is called “Greyson’s Gift” by Greyson’s mom Meryntha. I too was touched by her story and made some crochet blankets to send to her and was in touch with her a couple weeks ago to find out if she was still making the donations as her blog hadn’t been updated for a while (she just had a baby!) and she is still making donations.
Here is the blog link if you’d like it http://greysonsgift.blogspot.com/