If you are a regular reader, you know I love to crochet. It’s my jam…after sewing that is. Knitting has always eluded me though.
I have given it a handful of tries in the past, maybe two really good efforts…and I’ve just never been able to get it to stick. After casting on, everything would turn into a mess every. single. time.
Well, third time really is a charm because I gave it another go and….I can knit. Yay!
And it’s actually fun for me this time. Double yay!
The secret to my success is no secret at all. It’s the Knit Lab class from Craftsy. (Note: Clicking on any Craftsy links in this post will lead you to a page where you enter a giveaway to win the Knit Lab class…you can read more about the giveaway at the end of this post).
The official name of the class is Knit Lab: Projects, Patterns, & Techniques and is taught by the super talented Stefanie Japel.
If you aren’t familiar with Craftsy classes, they are online courses you can purchase and keep forever! Watch them whenever, wherever and as many times as you like.
This feature comes in handy with learning a skill like knitting. I believe, like crochet, knitting is something you need to watch and do, watch and do, repetitively until it clicks. Instead of feeling like you are bugging your friend, or your mom to show you yet again, all you have to do is rewind the video!
I really believe that is why it worked for me this time. I probably watched and rewatched the knitting and purling section close to a dozen times. It helps that she shows you how to knit and purl from different angles, so you can choose the perspective that best helps you “get” it.
You can also go at your own pace. I have only gotten as far as learning the basics of knitting and purling, but there is more to the video such as adding lace work, button holes, etc. I love that I can continue learning more when I feel ready to do that, at anytime I like.
If I take a loooong break from knitting, then I can come back to it and start from the beginning if I need a refresher. It’s all there waiting for me. Really, learning to knit this way can’t be beat!
One other tip that I learned from the course, is to start out with wooden needles because they are slower. That has helped tremendously! My yarn doesn’t slide off so quickly so I make less mistakes and I don’t skip stitches as easily. I also got larger needles and a chunky yarn. That’s what I tell new crocheters to do, so I figured it would work for knitting as well, and it has.
It is both rewarding and humbling to start a new skill, especially when it is so much like a similar skill that comes easy to you. I wishfully thought I would be able to knit a cowl in a week or so and share it with you today. I’m not quite there yet… but I’m enjoying the journey.
I think it’s good for the soul to remind yourself what it’s like to be a beginner, so you can see how much you are capable of improving. It’s a life lesson that should be relearned many times over.
Have you always wanted to learn to knit too? Well today’s your chance!
Click HERE, sign up for Craftsy, and you’re entered in the giveaway to win the class! If you are already logged into your account when you click you will be automatically entered. Otherwise, they you’ll need to log in.
And don’t worry about the signing up part. You simply create an account with them, so you can access all their free patterns, check out their free mini classes, and purchase a full class…if you’re interested.
If you already have an account with Craftsy, clicking the link and logging in simply enters you in the giveaway.
Easy. as. that.
Giveaway ends Tuesday, October 28, 2014 at 11:59 PM MDT.
Good luck and purl on….
P.S. I am experimenting with adding occasional purl stitches mixed in with knit stitches. Can you see them? Too fun.
P.P. S. This post is sponsored by Craftsy. All opinions are genuinely, and enthusiastically my own honest perspective!
My mother taught me to knit but I always wanted to learn more of the intricacies of knitting. It is such a relaxing thing to do.
It really is. I agree! Needle crafts are so therapeutic for me.
I’m exactly the same – I LOVE sewing and crochet and I feel like knitting is the next thing to learn, but however many times I try it has never stuck! I’ll definitely take your advice
We are kindred spirits!
And yes… Wooden needles and having a video I can press replay on a million times, totally helped.
Have fun learning how to knit!
I love that you are learning to knit. I learned to knit from a book about 3 years ago and I love knitting (I also started out as a crocheter/sewing only). I’m dying to take the knit lace class on Craftsy. Someday when I finish all my sewing projects. hehehehe
I was introduced to Craftsy two years ago when I came across a knitting class there. I was watching YouTube videos trying to learn to knit and I was not really getting it. Then I found Stefanie’s class on Craftsy. I learned a lot. I don’t do a lot of knitting now because it is time consuming and I don’t have a lot of time, but it is fun. I made a few scarves before I stopped. I’ve had an itch lately to pick up my needles and yarn and make something again though.
I agree with the wooden needles. I actually prefer wood or bamboo for my crochet hooks too.
I am so glad the Craftsy videos helped you!
I’m kind of the opposite! I learned to knit when I was 12 but had so much trouble learning to crochet! I was able to make the chain easily…. but anything else was next-to impossible. After about about 4 attempts I finally ‘got’ it, although I mistakenly crocheted into the back loops only for about a year, until I happened across a pattern that said to crochet into the back loops for a specific part. lol. I don’t crochet or knit often though, I’m a slowpoke at both.
That is so funny how we picked up one or the other easier. I could cast on super easy too, but beyond that, I was a mess until this time.
I taught myself to knit in grad school to help with the stress. I taught myself to sew two years ago. I love the almost instant gratification of sewing. I am hoping once my kids are grown I can go back to knitting. Until then I think I have to stick to sewing-I don’t lose count while doing that! Lol
I have been knitting since I was a child, and now a mother of grown up children I finally taught myself crochet. I love it and adore granny squares and I am well on my way to creating my first blanket.
I too have tried 2 or 3 times and can not “get it” …. then my mother-in-law passed away and I inherited 2,000 knitting needles — all shapes, sizes, materials so I feel I must try again. This class just might do it for me. Thanks for the chance!!
Wow…2000!? That’s amazing. I bet her collection is lovely!
I LOVE to knit! I love to knit on circular needles, even if it is a straight line project! If you try knitting in the round let me know!
I’ve heard that circular needles are helpful. I’ll have to try that. Thanks Anne!
I wanted to learn to knit for quite some time. Maybe I should do this class…