If you loathe weaving in tails after joining two skeins of yarn together (like me!), this knot eliminates all that. It’s true to it’s name…it’s seriously magic!

You essentially tie two knots onto two strands of yarn, and when they come together, it makes a super strong connection that has yet to fail me. It really doesn’t come undone. Believe me…I’ve tried!
Once you learn it, you likely won’t want to join yarn any other way.

Let me show you…
Video Tutorial
The video should play after the ad and will pop to the side or top of your screen if you scroll past it. Or you can watch it in a larger format by staying here.
*Note: I am using two different colors of yarn so you can clearly see which strand I am working with.
If you prefer a written tutorial with photos, scroll down to the next section.
Music is by Pleasant Pictures Music Club.
Magic Knot Tutorial
*Note: I am using two different colors of yarn so you can clearly see which strand I am working with.

- Lay each strand parallel to one another. One on top and one on bottom.
- Bend the BOTTOM strand OVER the top strand.
- Tuck it under that top strand.
- Then tuck it under the bottom strand. You should have a “9” shape.
- Pull the end through the hole of the “9” shape.
- Pull it tight.
- Now repeat this for the other side. bend the TOP strand OVER the bottom strand.
- Tuck it up and under the bottom strand.
- Tuck it under the top strand as well to create a lower case “b” shape.
- Pull the end through the hole of the “b” shape.
- Pull it tight.
- Now pull the two knots together by pulling on the working yarn (longer pieces attached to the skeins, not the little tails) and give it a good tug.
- Trim the tails all the way to the knot.
You have a secure, low profile magic knot, that you don’t need to weave in and that won’t come undone!

I have tied so many of these and it still amazes me that this works.

It’s great for larger projects that use a lot of skeins, like this cardigan, this blanket, or this one, or if you just don’t want to waste any scraps!
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