The pineapple of my eye.
Isn’t this hat a hoot? Tutorial found here.
Natalie’s getting a lot of nicknames around here. Reid insists on calling her Baby Hannah. We had a good friend whose baby was named Hannah; and to Reid, all baby girls must be named so.
It’s been a week and things are well.
It’s hard to believe these were taken in the hospital just a few days ago.
I have been loving taking things slow and plan on continuing to do so for a while.
With each child I savor this quiet time more and more.
Their little newborn grunts.
Their bowed legs.
The funny faces they make.
How blissful it is to have them snuggle right up on your chest to take a nap.
Natalie is our smallest baby but our heartiest.
She came quickly…just shy of two hours after we checked into the hospital after midnight.
All 5 lbs. 13 ounces, and 19 inches long of her.
I gained (a lot) more weight with this pregnancy than the others so I was expecting her to be much chubbier. But no…tall and skinny. Just like her dad, who she is taking after quite a lot.
She came home in this Easy Baby Skirt which still kind of drowns her.
And remember those tiny newborn booties that fit inside Owen’s little palms?
They fit her perfectly…now if she would just keep them on. As cute as they are, we have to stick with the socks they gave her in the hospital because they are the only things that stay on this wiggly girl.
Her skin is fair, her hair is light on top and dark in the back…her eyes are looking blue for now.
Even being so small, she nurses like a champ. She聽 maintains her body temperature and blood sugar just great and we have no Bilirubin issues at all…she’s a fighter.
This was my attempt at a newborn photo-shoot. She is not one of those pose-able, sleepy infants.
She is as active as she was in the womb, especially when she is un-swaddled and undressed. Did I tell you that she rolled right over to her side when they went to weigh her after she was born?
She has crazy neck control too.
I guess she’s got to be strong with two rough and tumble brothers to keep up with.
And have a good sense of humor. I know babies can’t intentionally smile this early, but I swear this girl does. It brings me back to her ultrasound picture. Maybe this smile wasn’t a fluke?
Whenever she has a full belly and is drifting off to sleep or hears my and or my husband’s voice, she smiles. .
She’s our little ray of sunshine.
One thing’s for certain. We’re sure happy she joined our family.
Thanks for making it to the end of the post! Whew. 馃檪
I’ll be back, but it might be a while.
Have a wonderful week.
Aw, she's a sweet one! I cannot imagine a 5 pound baby! Jacob was over 8 and I predict the same for the 2nd one, and they are still so tiny! Can't wait to see more of her.
I love this post! She is such a pretty little girl, she looks like a dancer in the skirt! Great photoshoot. Congrats Delia!
She is so photogenic for such a young baby girl. Adorable; congratulations!
Congrats, she is just beautiful!
enjoy the miracle of the first days!
She's adorable! Congrats! 馃榾
Oh my these are wonderful!!
she is beautiful!!!! congrats and thanks for sharing all these sweet pics 馃檪 i love looking at little babies!!! enjoy!
oh my goodness, my heart just melted.
She is so precious. I hope your recovery is going okay. My little girl is due in 6 weeks and I need to read more posts like this to reduce the anxiety, hehe!
Love the smiles! 馃檪 And her travel home outfit was just sweet! <3
Aww, so tiny! My daughter was 6.2 when she was born and I remember thinking how itty bitty the clothes were, and Natalie is even tinier! I can't imagine 馃檪 she's adorable!
She is so sweet, and the photos are just beautiful. Take it easy and soak it all in, it's the most amazing time, and yet so fleeting.
Warmest congratulations on your sweet little girl!
Oh she is so cute and so tiny! Love her baby fuzz. 馃檪
I am so glad you are all well, and taking it slow. I am with you the first little while while things are peaceful and slow and they just sleep on your chest is my favorite time. She is so beautiful! Her skinny little legs reminds me of my babies… so sweet and cute!
Awwww. She's a beauty.
In that first smiling pictures she reminds me so much of Owen! (your Owen) 馃檪 Beautiful girl!
I am dying over these pictures. She is absolutely the sweetest baby girl. I am loving the ultrasound and live one. Amazing. These pictures truly melt my heart….and almost make me want another one….ALMOST. 馃檪 Congratulations again!
Just a couple quick comments. First your daughter is GORGEOUS! Second, I used that same pinkish flowered flannel to make some cloth wipes for my sister in law. And third, we just became foster parents to a 3-day old boy, and your post about flannel swaddle blankets has saved our life! He always got out of the "swaddle-me's" and the knit blankets, but after I read your post, we have
what fun baby pics! I love the skirt and knitted shoes at the end! I think I saw you are going to SNAP, and wanted to say hello and I'll be there, too.
Oh my goodness — those pictures were amazing. Rolling over already — wow. She is adorable. Love her smile!
she's just perfect. And so tiny! I'm so excited to see more of her. Congrats girl. You make cute babies!
oh my gosh. these are the most beautiful pictures. Seriously Delia, really great. And what a doll! She is absolutely adorable. You really captured her little personality in the photos. I feel like I was there!
She is so beautiful! Really great pictures, too. I think she looks like your other kids for sure! She's so pretty! I don't mind if you take a break…just keep those baby pictures coming:).
So precious!
Congratulations! She's beautiful
She is the cutest little thing!! 馃檪
So crazy – I cried looking at your pictures! I am pregnant with my first, a baby girl and I am just overwhelmed at how much I love her already and I can't wait to meet her. I can see the love in your pictures, and I am so excited to meet my own and hopefully feel as joyous and happy as you obviously do! Congratulations!
She is absolutely precious! Congratulations, what a blessing! 5 pounds, wow – cherish that incredibly amazingly wonderful bundle from heaven!!! So happy for you!
She's super cute, and I'm so glad she's doing well and that she's already tough! 馃檪
I haven't checked in for a bit and I was thinking your little girl must have arrived! So happy to see she is here and ehalthy and you are doing well. What a cutie. I love tiny baby booties! Take it easy and enjoy.
Oh my my she is beautiful! Oh so sweet 馃檪 Glad to hear you are enjoying this time- best wishes to you!
What a sweet little girl! After my second, I absolutely believe they can smile this early! You know how babies are supposed to root when you rub their faces? Olivia would smile instead! Couple times a day, we'd rub her little chin and she'd break out into big gooby smiles. And she's still a great big ray of sunshine now! 馃檪 so p'shaw to anyone who says its just gas, they're
She is DIVINE!
so enjoyed reading this! i'm waiting (semi) patiently for our 3rd… due any day now… had an emotional morning with my 2 kiddos, felt overwhelmed. this post brought me back to a happy, calm place! thanks for sharing. she's amazing. and i swear my daughter too was smiling intentionally the day i brought her home almost 4 years ago! enjoy your sweet girl 馃檪
She's just adorable! There's something about that newborn scrunched up look that's so precious!
So many precious pictures! I really enjoyed seeing them. And I love that pineapple hat on her. Too cute 馃檪
She is absolutely beautiful! I LOVE her little bow and Mary-Jane's!
adorable! congratulations!!!!
Congrats on your baby girl! She is so sweet.
She is so beautiful!!!! Congrats!! Hope all is going well for you! as soon as life gets back to normal for the two of us lets get together! 馃檪
Take your time loving and snuggling up with that sweet soft face! 馃檪
Gorgeous! Congratulations to you and your whole family… she is amazing!
Welcome, baby. What a sweetie!
Congrats. I just stopped by your blog today to check out how to make produce bags out of t-shirts and saw your beautiful blessing. That is a season long gone for me as my boys are almost 14 and 16 and both over 6 feet tall. Appreciate everyday and the ability to hold her in your arms. I miss that a lot. Love the blog.
well that was just the sweetest thing ever!!! i love babies! their lanky limbs, rolls of skin, sweet toothless mouths! shes perfect!!!
So sweet! congratulations Enjoy your girl! They are a blast very different from boys.
You know, I've gotta say, I don't think I believe that babies can't intentionally smile that early…. my bug never really did. Then I had Zoe and she smiled all the time when someone would talk or sing directly to her. I swear it was in response!
She is so beautiful, Delia! Truly. Congrats!
She's tiny, tiny and just gorgeous. Simply gorgeous. She looks so much like your family. She's lucky she has a momma with so much talent to capture her sweetness. I hope you have a lot of people there to take care of you and share in her sweetness. Love you, girl!
Oh, she's beautiful! Love that gorgeous smile! Congratulations on your new lil family member! 馃檪
Beautiful pictures….love how you are taking it slow and really enjoying all of those little things that slip away sooo quickly! She is beautiful and extremely blessed to be surrounding by such an amazing family who adores her. Thanks for sharing and enjoy this precious time!
I love this post and all the lovely pictures of your baby! She's a pretty little one. Enjoy your time with her, I can't wait wait to meet my third this June.
Oh enjoy her. They grow and change so fast. I keep thinking Ruth is a newborn but she is almost 7 months. Time goes by so quickly.
She is so beautiful! Your pictures really show off her personality. It is amazing how much of that they come with, all packed in their little bodies.
What a simply beautiful baby!! Congratulations!
We had two boys and then a little girl, too. Then God surprised us with Little Girl # 2!! They are all grown up now. 馃檨 & 馃檪
Enjoy every second!
she is so sweet. I love those little smiles at first.
Oh Delia! Congratulations! Natalie is absolutely beautiful!!!! What a doll, and the smiles! I totally think that babies can smile early. My daughter was laughing at 5 weeks, serious belly laughs. It's not just gas. 馃檪 Enjoy this sweet time. So glad to hear that she is nursing well and healthy. Blessings to you all!
XO, Jenny