I used the grey dress as sort of a pattern. and started to cute around the outline of the dress (keep in my some room for sewing).
I also took note that the dress is gathered along the neck line so I took the armholes up and not as far in as the dress shows. I also cut out a C-shape for the neck line (4 pieces total, in hind sight I wish I would made my ‘C’ deep so there was more room for the neck, you’ll see in a bit).
After you flip it inside out, press and sew along the edges.
With right sides together on the main part of the dress, sew up the sides and stop before the armholes.
Finish the bottom (I serged it, but a zigzag stitch or a rolled hem on the bottom works great!).
Then sew the arm holes from one end to the other (this is tricky just know that with you roll your arm hole it won’t be perfectly even but that’s ok! )
Flip the dress inside out and inspect/admire your work so far!
Pleat or scrunch the top part of the dress. I started in the middle and worked my way to the outer edges measuring along the ‘c’ necklince peice. Repeat on back side.
Baste your pleats.
Pin on the neckline and sew to the dress, leave enough room on sides to allow arms to go through armholes (see next picture).
The grey dress above has buttons, but I prefer snaps, so I added a snap and then tried it on my cute little model.
She loved it!
And if your feeling guilty for neglecting your older child for your babe, you can make a matching skirt out of the left over!
Thanks so much for having me Delia! I’m sure your new little addition with be as cute and fashionable as you are! 🙂

That's adorable! I love the skirt for older sister too.
I don't know how I missed this, but it's really cute! Love the neckline!