I’m a list maker.
I don’t use fancy gadgets or phones to make them either. No…I write, and re-write, and re-write lists in simple single subject notebooks. All my blog and sewing project ideas, recipes, reminders to pay bills, etc. For some reason it works for me.
I had this really loooong “Before Baby Bucket List.” Some of it is not even listed here because some of these items really entailed ten. You know how that goes?
It’s been sooo nice to run a pen through most of my list.
Owen’s Science Fair Project
A big one was the nursery…
I made the artwork above the crib from 12 x12 square canvases from Michael’s. They sell them in 7 packs and 2 packs. So I got one of each. I am NOT an artist so I have to admit that this came out a little differently than I imagined.
I wanted to do the background in coral (I really love that shade of pink!), but settled instead for a tan/beige acrylic paint that matched the rest of the room.
I think it makes the room feel feminine and peaceful.
As for the diaper changing station. Still kind of bare right now. I might add some fabric decals later, but for now I’m happy with it.
The shelf is stocked with enough diapers for about one day :)…
and the boys’ closest has boxes of diapers spilling out thanks to some great friends who threw me a diaper shower.
I couldn’t help but put two outfits in there.
A white newborn onsie, an easy baby skirt and the booties I made her. I don’t know if she’ll wear the skirt but why not have options?
I love, love this bodysuit I picked out for her from Old Navy as well.
We live super close to the hospital, so I haven’t packed my bag yet, but that isn’t as fun to do anyway. It will probably be something I do while contracting or something.
I also stocked the freezer with two weeks worth of meals.
Those large casseroles should last more than one day. I hope no one gets sick of lasagna, soups and chicken pot pie.
I also gave the boys haircuts.
I only do it about every 2-3 months since Reid hates them. Really hates them. So it’s nice to have that out of the way. Plus, they look handsomely primped and prepped for the baby’s arrival.
And lastly…
The nesting series is done!
Oh it was so much fun, so much work, and so worth it.
Here is a round up of the series.
Links from Top to bottom, left to right:
Mommy Tags
Kojodesigns Baby Shower Round Up
No Big Dill Triple Stitched Blankets
MADE Baby Style Round Up
I Am Momma Hear me Roar Nursing Clips
Freshly Picked Baby Hats
This heArt of Mine Baby Booties
Apostrophy Designs Baby Dress
Happy Together Crinkle Toes
Basket Weave Baby Blanket
Sewing In No Mans Land Counting Sheep Sleeper
Easy Baby Skirts
Ruched Onsies
Simple Simon & Co. Embroidered Onsies
MaryJanes & Galoshes Baby Photography
Simple Shift Dress
See Kate Sew Little Dress Pockets
Sew A Straight Line Baby Back Pants
Suspender Dress
Embellished Leggings
Sweet & Simple Swaddling Blankets
Kid Art Onsies
You & Mie Fabric Decals
DIY Maternity Photoshoot
Scrappy Hair Accessories
Wow…that’s a lot of feathers!
Thank you to my guests for nesting with me!
And to you readers, thank you for following along and helping me get ready to welcome our new bundle to the world.
It feels good to be ready for her to come. I have a few small items left, but nothing urgent.
Except for one pretty important item…
Yeah. We’ve got nothing. Plenty of names but none that we both can agree on. If you have some suggestions, we could always use more!
But for now…I’ll rejoice in our nest being feathered and ready for her to come.
Have a blessed day.
I'm a spiral notebook person, too. Congrats on getting everything done!
Our girl name for our latest is Violet Elizabeth (Peter James, if it's a boy). We like old-fashioned names and we got some good ideas by looking over our family trees.
Im pregnant with our second baby and last, and im having another boy YAY! Secretly I had hoped for a girl, as I had always loved the name Gianna Lucia. But I am thankful to have two boys that will grow up together and will always be friends. So you are more than welcome to the name. I would love to know someone loved it as much as me, and used it <3
Elodie, Leila, Melody, Jaleh, Sonia, Brehana, Avah
congratulations on crossing things off! i've so enjoyed this series. thank you! and as far as names go, Evelyn and Lillian are my favorites these days…
Delia thank you for your beautiful nesting series! I have a 9month old at home (baby Lily) and I’ve got to admit, your cute tutorials make me feel like trying for just one more….we have 3 girls. Good luck with everything.
I’m 38 weeks today and my husband and I are struggling with names too! We don’t know the gender, so we’re trying to find both a girl and boy name! Plus, there’s a tradition in my husbands family to have 2 middle names….. we’ve got our work cut out for us! Good luck finding a name! Oh, and I LOVED the Nesting series, so many fabulous project ideas. Thanks!
Rayne- the Pure One, or Queen
Risa- Laughing One
Kyra- Light
Eden- yes like the Garden
All of these names make me feel happy, or remind me of eternal potential…
Delia, this was such a fun series to follow along with. My expecting kiddo number two in March, so I was loving all the things you and your guests made and shared. I especially loved the sibling onesies. What a fun way for them to celebrate their new, little sister!
We are having another, stinky, grubby boy! YAY, so there wasn’t much I had to do. I haven’t crossed much off my nesting list (just washed baby clothes last night), but we do have a name.
I’m sure as soon as you see her, you will know exactly which one is right.
Many congratulations and good wishes to you and your family! I cannot wait to see pics of her!
Oh good luck! Thanks for the nesting series. I’m not pregnant, but I still enjoyed it. May your delivery be a safe, easy and quick!
Don’t stress too much about her name. Sometimes inspiration hits as you’re looking her in the face.
I love old fashioned pen to paper notes too! I’m almost 33 weeks and NEED to get my pre-baby list started except I don’t think I’m going to be so prepared with 2 weeks worth of meals like you, SUPERMOM!
LOVE love love my lists! I have them everywhere. You are a rockstar Delia! It’s awesome how prepared you are. Here are some suggestions…Addison, Savannah, McKinlee and Harper. Let me know if he likes any of those.
Love this post! I make tons of lists too (in books all over the house).
I love the name Brooke for a girl, but my husband hates it. To each their own, I guess. 
The nursery is so beautiful! yeah! Looks like you are ready. We had the same trouble with names…
It’s been so fun to look forward to your nesting posts every day! Hope you have more once you have the baby home and you’re settled in. So nice to cross things off, isn’t it? Now just brainstorm names and wait impatiently…
If I had a different last name… I’d have an Ada. (sigh).
Love the artwork!! Wonderful. If you hadn’t said so, I never would’ve known it wasn’t exactly what you envisioned. Kudos.
I’m impressed with how much you have done! Good for you! Good luck in finding a name. My husband informed me yesterday that we can’t have anymore children (we’re expecting our first) because he’s out of names. I laughed really hard. I have loved this series, thanks for sharing even though I can only imagine how much work it’s been!
The nursery looks great. I can definitely see your cute family with a girl named Willow, Hazel, or Eleanor. So excited for you!
Great job crossing things off!! I love the nursery, it really looks so peaceful
we did not agree 100% on a name before our son was born. You’ll get one. i think it is fun to meet baby before giving them a name.
It was such a GREAT series. Though it did make my list longer
I’m so excited for you. Your nursery looks so beautiful and welcoming. GOOD LUCK!
I love your canvas artwork–LOVE!
Thanks for the nesting series – SO cute! I just had my own little girl peanut, so it was perfect timing. I named her Claire if you want to steal that name. My other girl is Camille. They’re my favs.
I really enjoyed your nesting series. Can you please have a a baby at least once a year??
No, but seriously, think about doing it annually like Celebrate The Boy or something, because it was FANTASTIC! Isn’t “baby” why women start sewing and crafting in the first place?
Your art work is gorgeous. I was wondering when you would feature it when I saw it in the background of pictures before. Thanks for the tutorials and how to’s and all the help.
We love Clair, Jane, Lily, Cora, Caroline, Charlotte, Molly, and Paige. Really feminine and everyone can spell it names. Good luck! Can’t wait to see your new little angel in some of her new duds.
The nesting series was so much fun! Thanks for doing all the hard work to bring it to us all!
Your nursery is very peaceful and pretty!
I’m also a list maker. Good luck choosing a name! I’m so excited for you!
Thank you so much for doing the nesting series! There are so many projects on my own “Before Baby Bucket List!” Thanks for the work you put into this and thanks to your guest posters also!
This was such a fun series to follow along with. Thank you!
here are my favorites;
Zara, Luna, Erin
…and good luck with everthing!
My daughter was 3 days old before she had a name! I’d wanted Julie Michele, and hubby wanted Dawn Michelle (his middle name is Michael). Once she was born, hubby was so impressed with me (this was the 70s and we were the first Lamaze couple in our hospital), he told me to name her whatever I wanted. This was my chance–except my little girl was a redhead, and I couldn’t visualize a redheaded Julie. So Dawn Michele (with one “l”) she became.
Sometimes you just have to see her before you can actually name her.
That said, think of how many syllables your last name is. Typically, if it’s 3 or 4 syllables, you want a one-syllable first name. Two-syllable last names can take anything, but 1-syllable surnames sound better with 2-3 syllables. They just roll of the tongue more easily and beautifully.
And listen to how the last of her first name sounds with the first of your last name. Confusing? Think: Brianna Andrews. Halting, awkward. Now think Emily Andrews. Smooth and almost melodic.
But pay attention to the initials!
Lots to think about, huh?
My husband isn't big on "creative" names, he's more classical. We're thinking of Lucy, Isabel or Sarah or Ella Rose (I'm 36 1/2 weeks). Best wishes for your labour and welcoming your new little addition to your family! Thank you for taking the time and energy to host the Nesting series…it gave me so many great ideas!
My husband and I agreed on our daughter's name immediately. The one and only discussion we had about it went something like this: Me "I've always liked the name Kaeleigh and I'd like to give her the middle name Ann." [Both of our mother's middle names are Ann.] Hubb: "I like it."
Pretty easy right? When we had our son, agreeing on a name was a
wow delia! you're amazing, I'm jealous of your organizing. Your nursery looks fab. and you'll find a name. I waited until the girls were born to figure out their names, of course we also waited to find out if they were a boy or girl too, so that was fun! Anyway, great series, you have such great taste.
I enjoyed this series so much delia! you're giving me baby fever, sheesh!
Good luck with everything!! I hope she comes soon
I'm 66 so probably won't have any more babies; but if I could have a little girl, I'd name her Capri. For some reason, I just love that name.
Wow, it looks like you're as ready as you can be! I LOVE the canvas artwork – I think it looks great. I'm a list maker too, but unfortunately, I'm better at adding to it than crossing things off it. Wishing you all the best!! And good luck with picking a name. I'm sure whatever you guys pick, it'll be perfect
You have done such a great job with this series,Delia!
I also had a question about sergers. I think you have one, right? Would you share what kind, if you like it, and if you were to buy another one what would it be, perhaps? I'm in the market for one and just trying to decide. Any info would be helpful. Thanks a bunch.
Our baby girl is named Smilla Martha. smilla is an inuit name. I love it, bc of her and bc its soft and strong in the same time. Hope all is going well with you both girls.
greetings from Germany
I've pinned your series for baby shower gift ideas…I am DONE. After two girls (Audrey, Julia) I agree–you need to look at that little face first before you know. I loved the names Claire, Vivian and Sylvia as well.
Just found out I'm expecting a second girl so loved the nesting series!
Our eldest is Beatrice Elizabeth (Bea) and this new one will be Eleanor Ivy (Nell)
My husband claims girls are harder to name but that's just because he doesn't like most of the names I come up with.
That said, we have two daughters (Arden Anne and Leslie Nicole – Anne after our mothers and Leslie's names are our middle names) and if we have a third one picked out (MaryKate Corinne from the movie The Quiet Man).
We just had our second daughter on Sat Feb 25. We now have a Olivia Marie (2 years) and a Norah Cleone (2 days). We decided while contracting at the hospital!
Such a beautiful series, thank you! You are super organised
We have been blessed with two daughters: Rebekah Lauren and Sarah Emily. I had always loved Rebekah and fortunately Hubby agreed
the nursery looks great! I LOVE that you hand painted that art piece!! Beautiful!
Great job getting your list done! We ALWAYS had a hard time coming up with names. We didn't find out with our first two so we had to come up with two girl names we never used. We picked out new names all around for each of my three pregnancies. For girls we like classic names that aren't used much. Our girl (youngest) is Tabitha Jane. Our boys would have been Emery and Gwen. We are
I pinned the first (beautiful) crib photo from this post! I'm trying to be careful about doing this without permission, so please let me know if you prefer not to have your photos pinned.
My seven month old son wasn't named until two days after he was born. Well, we had the first name for months but couldn't settle on a middle name to go with it and started to contemplate other names. But I'm so happy with his name (Jake Austin) and it fits him so well, it was worth the wait. Our three year old daughter was named the day we found out she was a girl. My husband
Your series was so much fun! And I love what you did with the nursery. the artwork is fabulous. And the neutral colors are great. I made Clara a coral blanket and I love it…but the color is kind of bright and might be wearing on me a bit :).
And I almost bought that Old Navy onesie yesterday! haah. I'm glad you have it.
Okay, I'm done rambling.