It’s here! It’s here. The updated and expanded version of my original Natty Janes Baby Shoe Pattern is done and listed in the shop!

It was originally released almost six years ago. I’ve been wanting to update it and add more sizes for about five of those years, so I am super excited to finally present you with this new and improved version.
Note: If you purchased the old version, scroll to the bottom to learn how you can upgrade for a huge discount.

During those five years, I played around with the pattern design, learned even more about sewing with leather (and faux leather!), and was able to bring all that to the table to create a pattern that is heads and shoulders better than the original.

It now comes in sizes newborn through little kid 8 (three more sizes than before!) and in four views or versions.

There is the classic Natty Jane/Mary Jane look which was in the original.

There is also the ankle Natty Jane/Mary Jane which has always been a favorite of mine.

I added a ballet flat that laces up as well. It is the less practical view of the four, but it’s great for a costume or special occasion.

Last but not least, there is a modified ankle Natty Jane that I hacked from the original pattern. I loved it so much that I improved it and added it to the new pattern.

I would say that it’s also the easiest version to sew!

The best part of this pattern is that it’s small enough to use scraps or thrifted materials like an old purse. In fact, I recommend using thrifted materials because then you can make a one of kind shoe made out of materials you can’t source just anywhere.
The pattern calls for leather, pleather, or thick wool. You can get more details from the pattern listing HERE.
You don’t need a special machine to sew these shoes. Any sewing machine will do!
If you’ve never sewn with leather, my hope is that this pattern helps you discover how fun and not scary it can be! I have a whole section where I share tips for sewing with leather and faux leather. Some of my testers said that when they ran into issues, this section really helped them.

My favorite part about the pattern is that the pattern pieces don’t have to be pieced or taped…ever! All the little shoe pieces fit neatly onto printer paper. So print up 3-5 pieces of paper and you’re good to go!
OR!!! You can also use your cutting machine! I have included 8 .svg files for each size so that you can use your Cricut or Silhouette machine to cut it or trace it for you. Woot!
I actually have a video tutorial showing you how to do just that HERE, along with a FREE cut file for the View D newborn size.

You may notice some small irregularities between the pieces from size to size. I drafted each size from scratch and tested each one to ensure the proportions would come out right in the final shoes.
You may also notice some changes in the construction. I took great care to not only make the shoes look better, but to also make them easier to sew.
I really wanted this to become a pattern you could turn to again and again for your littles and for baby shower gifts. Nothing elicits an ooh and ahh like a cute hand crafted baby shoe!
I also encourage small business owners to make these to sell them! I love supporting fellow small businesses. No special license is required, I just ask that you give credit where it’s due.
While waiting for years to revamp the pattern has allowed me to make it even better, it has unfortunately allowed my daughter to grow out of the size range as well. So, let’s take a walk down memory lane to see what the shoes look like on the the cute little feet of the pattern’s namesake, my Natalie Jane.

My daughter’s feet ran tiny for many years. She’s had a growth spurt now and has caught up to her peers, but when she was three and still in size three shoes it was the dang cutest thing.

Even at age 4/5 I still had her in Natty Janes. I was surprised at how well the soft soled shoes held up outside, getting rough and tumbled through the dirt. They weren’t too hard to clean either. Sometimes they’d even get soaked in a puddle. The leather would become little stiff when it dried, but after wearing them for a bit, they’d soften back up.

We finally retired her Natty Janes when she started school and grew out of the original size range, but for years beyond the typical toddler/pre-walker stage she was able to wear her Natty Janes.

So, if you have an older child and you want to try a pair, I say go for it!

The price for this pattern is $9, only one more dollar than the original, and it comes with more sizes, more views, an .svg file cut/trace option, and even better tutorials.
Go here to grab a copy of the pattern!
Note: If you bought the original pattern and would like to upgrade to the new pattern for only $1, I invite you to email me at [email protected] with your proof of purchase (I can look you up by the email you used to purchase it), and I will give you a code to get $8 off for a limited time.
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