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Color Your Summer 3 Round Up and Giveaway Winners
We might’ve mentioned (once or twice) how much we love the Color Your Summer series! And just so all of the lovely, colorful, summer-y projects from this year are in…
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Five and Ten Designs presents…
So…I have had this secret project going on for a while now, that I can finally let out of the bag! Me and four other amaaazing bloggers got together…
A Trip to the Aquarium (& Ticket Giveaway for Utah Readers)
If you have read my blog for awhile then you know that my oldest, Owen, is ocean obsessed. And if you know how four year olds are, that means you…
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Color Your Summer Flickr Pool and Instagram Round Up
Guys! Can you believe Color Your Summer 3 is almost over? I have been LOVING all the pictures that are rolling into the flickr pool and instagram pool. Just for…
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Super Easy Hands Free Towel Wrap
So…you know when you get out of the pool and you are trying to dry off while juggling a million other things and bags, and pool noodles and possibly kids?……
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