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Whip up Guest Post
I am pretty excited to be guest posting at Whip Up today. My post involves these guys… and some of these guys. Come on over and check us out!
cinnamon buns
Yum. My friend, Connie, who gave me the best bread recipe ever, informed me yesterday that it works great for dinner rolls and even cinnamon rolls. What?! I had to…
UPrinting Winner
Congratulations to… MEG who said “Thanks for the chance to win & try out a new company.” You win a free rolled canvas from Uprinting! Please check your email and…
UPrinting Giveaway
I’m taking a break for the long weekend. I’ve got my mom in town and some busy stuff going on, but while I’m “gone” you can enter a pretty amazing…
skip on over
Hi there! It’s September – whoo hoo! So um…we should be thinking about Halloween pretty soon huh? Well, for today I’m going to fast forward to Christmas instead. I’m pretty…
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