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Handmade Christmas in July
Hello my friends! I get to party over at Sandra’s place today. Sawdust and Paperscraps is hosting a great Christmas in July series, chock full of great handmade gift ideas.…
Pink lip balm
This is a re-post of my guest post from the Color My Summer series Kojodesigns and I co-hosted in May…. ___________________________________________________ Today I’m going to share a spin off my…
Backyard Tent and Summer Shorts
I made some more shorts. This time I wised up and used Dana’s printable pattern. Much better! The pattern I made myself was alright, but just not quite how I…
You Create Too
I have been meaning to do a post like this for a while. I love getting emails from you telling me that you’ve tried one of my tutorials. It really…
on a trip…over to iCandy Handmade!
Hello! I’m guest posting at iCandy Handmade today with my first little girl dress! Go here to see more. Hope your day is warm and happy!
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