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Mr. Recycle Head Man
I love Earth Day. It just so happens that it falls on the Friday before Easter this year. So, I decided to do an Earth Day craft with the kids…
Sprouted Wheat Bread
So…our computer is broken again. It has been taken in three times for the same problem. If Best Buy can’t fix it this time then they have to get us…
Wheat Grass
I have spent the last week or so growing this… It is super easy and yes, you read that right, it doesn’t even require soil. You can use soil (read…
12 Days of Easter
My friend Tori shared this great idea with our Relief Society {church women’s organization} last week and I loved it. So, I came up with my own batch of eggs…
Guest Blogger: The Style Projects
Hello…I hope you guys all had a wonderful weekend. We were steeped in SNOW the whole weekend. Yes, I said snow. But it’s finally melting again so things are looking…
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