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Rik Rak 2011 Handmade Olympics
I just found out I am finalist for the RikRak 2011 Handmade Olympics! Thank you to Crystal from Domestic, But Not Martha for nominating me! This girl is such a…
Paper Airplane Boy Valentines
I can’t believe Valentine’s Day is tomorrow! I like to give my boys some presents for Valentine’s Day each year. Nothing big, just little gifts I collect through out the…
Picture me Valentine
On Thursday I realized it was four days until Valentine’s Day and we hadn’t made our grandparent Valentines yet. Eek! So I used our heart wall and made the kids…
EASY Strawberry Banana Pancakes
This morning we had some… Heart Shaped. I just took some pancake batter and added some strawberry syrup, like the kind you use for ice cream. I melted some coconut…
Valentine Swirl Bread
Using my favorite bread recipe, I decided to try to add a Valentine twist to it…literally. A pretty, festive little pink swirl. All I did was divide the dough, color…
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