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Guest Blogger: Blah to Tada
I am so excited to introduce you to my first guest blogger, Claire from Blah to Tada. She takes ordinary items and turns them into beautiful crafts. If you want…
I have been slowly hacking away at my Christmas to do list, but don’t have any tutorials or finished projects to share quite yet. So… Here is a table I…
Let the Advent…tures begin!
Happy First Day of December! The first day of December is a big day for me because I have most likely spent hours the night{or ahem…early morning} before prepping for…
The First Gift of Christmas
I feel so honored to be guest posting at I Am Momma Hear Me Roar for her Christ Centered Christmas week. I am posting about our First Gift of Christmas…
Christmas Card Wreath
Christmas is here! I told myself I would wait until at least December 1st to haul the Christmas decorations out, but changed my mind yesterday. My five year has been…
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