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Guest Blogger
I am Wife, Sister, Daughter, teacher {at church}, neighbor, friend, chauffeur, cook, maid, and MOM…but I never thought I would also be a “Guest Blogger.” Now I can add that…
Happy Earth Day!… and photography tips from a beginner
Today I will be sharing a few tips and helpful links on nature photography and photography in general. I am a self-taught photography student (and still pretty wet behind the…
Continue Reading Happy Earth Day!… and photography tips from a beginner
Recycled Wrappings
Before you throw away that cereal bag think about using it for wrapping paper accents! Today I took stuff right out of my recycle bin and wrapped up a few…
Recycle Bin
In honor of earth day I thought I would do some recycling today…recycling of old crafts I have made that is! Most of these haven’t been featured on my blog…
Digging It
We worked in the garden today readying the soil. I took this snapshot for the DPS challenge for this weekend: WORK. Go here for more on the challenge.
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