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Three Simple DIYs for Summer
I can feeeel it. Summer is almost here! The occasional extra warm days are teasing me and making me crave sticky afternoons on the porch, cold drink in hand. Today, I’m…
Geraniums and Natty Janes for Two
I’ve been doing some baby sewing lately….for my new niece! I am NOT pregnant. Just have to make that clear. Ha! Sewing anything baby is risky rumor business, amirite? When I found…
Free Printable Gift Boxes
Adorable things are more adorable in adorable packages. Am I right? Or am I right…right? 🙂 So, I’ve whipped up some printable cute little gift boxes, for little gifts… …for Mother’s Day, for…
Citrus Slice Cards – Free Printables
There is something just so pretty about citrus to me. It’s so fresh, bright and cheery… Inspired by the labels and tags I made for the citrus sugar scrubs I…
Citrus Sugar Scrubs – Recipes and Free Printable!
One of my favorite things to DIY are sugar scrubs, because they are a cinch to put together (even kids can do it!), they make great gifts, and you end…
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