Thank you so much for all who voted for me and left me words of encouragement and support week after week during Project Run & Play.
I got third place which I sincerely think is pretty great. I have a sweet prize package to ‘go home’ with, but honestly, that is not even close to the reason why I accepted the invitation to do PRaP. Long story short: I was invited to do it a couple months in advance, I gave a tentative yes, then I posted about how overwhelmed I was having three kids and that my blogging was going to have to adjust, contemplated backing out of PRaP, but in the end felt compelled to do it for me. I knew my blog would have to be neglected even more, but I wanted to see if I could really do it. If I could push through my many fears of failure. It felt like now or never. I’m so glad I chose now.
It was for those reasons I originally started my blog in the first place. Blogging has pushed me to grow creatively and try things I’ve always wanted to try. It’s helped me to feel more comfortable being me, which I struggled with a lot and sometimes still do.
PRaP has blessed my life in similar ways. As I made it through each week, the mental mountains I struggled to climb, got steeper and steeper.
I remember staring at a half made jacket during boy week, convincing myself that I just couldn’t do it. I had never made anything close to that difficult before, what made me think I could do it for PRaP without a straight forward pattern to follow (I had to modify a pattern for it to qualify)?
Somehow I pushed through the surmounting doubt and proved to myself that I need to stop being my own worst enemy.
Thank you to Elizabeth and liZ who invited me to participate. I will always feel indebted to them for believing that I could actually participate in this competition.
Thank you to my fellow competitors. It was such a joy sewing along with such talented, kind women. My special thanks to Lindsay (who I never got to say bye to after round 5, I loved every one of her looks), Heidi, and Hayley (who were so kind and inspiring through the whole competition).
Thank you to my dear friends, who acted as my sounding board when I felt like I was losing my sewing mind. I miss having my phone buzz every few hours with texts asking how I’m doing. I don’t know how I got so lucky to have friends like them.
A BIG thank you to my husband. Having a baby, especially one who doesn’t sleep or nap well, during this competition was a big struggle. He stepped in to help with her when he could (I still exclusively nurse), he made dinner most nights, played laundry and dishes fairy and was my biggest cheerleader. The first three weeks weren’t too bad. I kept up with the kids and basic dinners and general cleaning. Once boy week hit though, it became a family effort to get me through. I have never felt so loved by my husband and kids before, to see them rallying around me helping me make it to the end. It took intense effort in the last few days before the end, since my husband had to be out of town for several days as I prepared for the finale.
This whole process has been so rewarding and so completely exhausting. Exhausting in a way you don’t understand until you’ve been through it. I definitely underestimated all that it would take before coming in.
So…I didn’t win in votes, but I won in a lot of other ways.
I hate to sound dramatic, but this competition has changed my life. I feel so empowered to do more, creatively, than I ever have before. I’m positively excited about what I want to create now that PRaP is over.
My goals when I started were: 1. Make it past the first week 2. Push myself and try new things.
I am pleased to say I reached my goals.
For starters, here is a list of all the things I learned during Project Run & Play that I had never done before: (starting from look one)
Installing an exposed zipper (had only done invisible before now). Making a shift dress. Making a baby cardigan. Using twill tape. Cutting bias strips. Sewing a baby jacket. Sewing an asymmetrical closure. Sewing a mock turtleneck. Sewing leather baby Mary Janes. Perfecting the French knot. Sewing gathered baby shorts. Creating a back cut out in a dress. Sewing a lined jacket. Sewing a boy’s T-shirt with ribbing. Sewing a working welt pocket. Installing metal eyelets (easy and so fun!) and snaps (not as easy and annoying). Sewing lined skinny pants with an upper, a waistband and pockets with a top flap. Installing a button fly. Creating my own eyelet cut outs. Creating a long sleeve dress. A peter pan collar. Making baby tights. Self drafted butterfly wings. Custom fitting baby shoes. Installing a working zip fly. Belt loops. Sewing with bias tape. Box pleated sleeves and tunic.
The only difference in before PRaP and now, is that I tried.
I sincerely hope that inspires you to try too. You are capable of greatness. Go for it!
So, it’s back to real life…
Here’s our first planned, prepared, well rounded sit down dinner since PRaP ended. It felt so good to not be eating Little Caesars Pizza …again!
I’ll be showing my ‘face’ around here a bit more as well. I even have a fun (but laid back) series coming up that I hope you’ll enjoy. I know some of you have asked about tutorials and such. I have plans for some posts about some (not all) PRaP projects in the future. It just might be a while.
I’ve also taken upon myself a little bit more sewing drama – the boys’ Halloween costumes! They have been VERY specific this year. I hope I can pull it off! : /
Eight more days until Halloween. Are you ready or are you scrambling like me? I actually only have four days because we have a carnival to attend! Yikes! Life…
Hope your day was splendid.
Thank you again for all your love and support.
I always tell you: you’re great!
You really have inspired me to try things after reading this post! Thank you for that! You are such a talented seamstress and I was with you 100% all through PRaP.
You did such an amazing job! When I read your recount it makes me want to try new things too. I didn’t realize that so many of the things you did were new to you – that’s amazing!
Well done Delia, you inspire so many of us to create.
You can pull it off, Delia! I have faith in you! I’m lucky in that I’m already done–Bit is wearing the Rapunzel costume I made her for her birthday, and I fixed her commercial hair piece to fit last week. (Put up a tutorial, too. If your kid doesn’t have an 18 inch head, Disney doesn’t want them to wear it.) Imp, Bit’s baby sister, is going to be an owlet, and I finished her costume last month.
I love everything about this post. You are real, and you rock.
Delia, it has been absolutely an a pleasure getting to know you during this crazy crazy crazy competition! I had no idea that you just learned some of those techniques and my hats are off to you, even more than they were before!
I haven’t even started the Halloween costumes yet and I am definitely having a bit of Mommy guilt
Again, great job this season and I am super happy that I got to know you!
You really did an amazing job, and I was disappointed for you that you didn’t win. But yay for personal victories! As a mom of an exclusively breastfeed baby that has never slept well, and requires even to this day at age 2 tons of personal attention (way more than her older sister ever needed!), I totally know how much of a struggle it can be to get ANYTHING done. Let alone an incredible collection of PRP looks.
This is why I love to read your blog Delia. Thanks for the great post. You are always so genuine. I’ve grown tired of some blogs where everything is perfectly done and nothing ever goes wrong. Your children are beautiful and your projects are all gorgeous, but you still come across as a real person who isn’t afraid to admit it when she struggles. That is much more motivating to me than someone who puts forward a false image and makes me feel like a failure for not being perfect. Thanks so much for your thoughts
Off to learn new things making my kids Halloween costumes now!
all your PRaP looks, and your thoughts here.
just lovely.
Been a long time lurker… I’ve admired you from a distance for a while, but today I want to tell you that you’ve empowered me. I don’t really know how to sew, and so many aspects of sewing intimidate me. But now I feel a bit of courage knowing that you, mom of 3 little ones (and exclusively nursing) can do it too. (I have four little ones, and everything feels hard right now)
I have enjoyed your design throughout the season; congratulations on a great job!
Congratulations! You are fabulous and I’m glad this experience showed that to you. I too am my own worst enemy. I think all mom’s struggle with that. Take a break and enjoy the day….I heard it snowed?!? Can’t wait to see the costumes!
You are awesome. I remember boy week for us, when I cut up a man’s leather jacket and remade it into a small one. Never thought I would finish it. I was hand cranking my machine to get through the layers of leather! Ha. And it was all guess-work. Anyway, your work this season was impecable and your design aesthetic is beautiful. You are one talented lady!
You accomplished a huge amount of learning, Delia! I am just in awe that all those were a first for you. That deserves an award in and of itself. Well done, friend.
you are amazing delia!
Congratulations! Your looks were always my favorite because they were simple, realistic, and kid-friendly, but still classy and cute. You’ve definitely inspired me!
Delia- I think you’re pretty amazing! Brave for taking on PRaP with 3 little ones and trying intimidating things you haven’t done before. Everything you sewed was done beautifully and looks nothing short of professional! I’ve always wanted to get better at sewing but it’s an art that has always been a little intimidating to me especially since there is so much precision involved. But I’ve gotten a little braver now and have sewed my first Halloween costume, yay! (a bat costume for Lucas) It was definitely challenge for me, considering the only things I’d sewed before were some burp cloths and appliqued a few shirts
But I’m so happy I did it and so excited to learn and do more!
You’re such a genuine, sincere person and friend and I really appreciate that
Congratulations! love all your outfits. And very happy for you.
Great job, I voted for you many times! You inspire me, thanks! Great wrap up to the season too
Congratulations Delia! Your ability to try new things WITH three little ones is inspiring. I love how sincere and honest you are with all that you do. Thanks!
Can I give you a virtual hug? *grin* I don’t even know you, well other than your amazing blog with such thoughtful posts, beautiful photography, kids and projects. I loved all your PR&P accomplishments – everything was so wearable, and affordable. And you did it! I have three kids. *giggle* And its not often easy to do all that you want, all that you need to fuel your heart & head- but you make it work, and know that you wouldn’t trade for anything different. (Well maybe a bit less toothpaste smeared on the hall carpet would be trade I would make.)
Thank you- for sharing all of this with us unknown but very appreciative moms all over the world. You are amazing. Truly.
I really loved every piece that you created for PRaP. You have definitely inspired me to try to create new things for my son and daughter and not to scared of trying a new sewing technique. Congratulations!
You inspire me so much – I loved everything you did. Thank you for doing this!
PR&P shoes are not ones that I would want to wear. You handled the stress well and came up with great stuff. I was totally inspired to venture into making up some patterns and trying new techniques. Thanks!
You did a great job! I loved every single one of your looks from PR&P. Thank you for doing that and helping to show us that no matter how hard it seems that we can do it! Thanks for your blog. I love your creativity and your beautiful photography.
Awesome job! You did a great job & so did your family by helping you out.
CONGRATS!!!! you seriously did an amazing job!!!
Everything you made was amazing. I am so impressed. Can't wait to see what you do next.
dear delia,
i think you are amazing.
this just proves why.
You did such an awesome job! I can only imagine how exhausting it was for you, but your outfits were simply amazing! I love reading your blog, thanks for sharing this heartfelt post.
I have followed your blog for years and project run and play since the beginning, so I was very excited when they announced you would be competing. And you did not disappoint. Every week your looks were my favorite. I loved that most of your fabric came from thrifted clothes. My favorites were all the baby shoes. I really hope you do a tutorial for some of those. Congrats on making it to the very
Congratulations! Third place is still quite the accomplishment, and the list of new things you tried (and achieved) is amazing. You are very inspiring! =)
You are amazing!! I really have been inspired by your determination, stamina (3 kids AND sewing-OH MY!) and creativity.
You are a winner.
Thanks from all of us on the sidelines, for giving it a whirl. You were brilliant!
You did AH-mazing super momma! I loved each and every look you created! It was also fun (for us, not you I'm sure) to hear about the behind the scenes rally to finish some of the weeks! It sounds like your husband helped so much-kudos to him for stepping up! Congrats on a stellar job!
This is awesome. Good for you! You realized your dreams!
Great work!!! I love everything you made!!!
Congratulations you did a wonderful job and have the most adorable models to display your talented work
Good job!!!
This is beautiful, Delia. You have the most amazing attitude and such genuine gratitude that it's clear what a beautiful person you are inside and out ON TOP OF being an incredibly talented artist/seamstress. You're an inspiration!!
Your looks were my favorite each week! I love your style and you have motivated me to make some cute shoes for my baby.
Congratulations on all of your achievements! You've inspired me to tackle the big project that's been lurking undone. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on this tough time!
Your projects looked amazing each week and your level of detail is incredible. I am inspired so much by your blog! Keep at it!
What an amazing accomplishment! And you are so wise to recognize all the things you gained from the process. I know it was extremely difficult to take this on–I can't wait to see what comes next now that you are free to create whatever you want at your own pace! Beautifully done.
Oh good gracious girl! I just wanna cry! This is the perfect wrap up post. I know how you feel, and yet I think I've forgotten some of the creative mojo I was feeling right after PRAP. Following along closely with you is inspiring me all over again. And I'm so proud of you! I love that picture of Natalie falling off the chair- hilarious! I know your family is glad to have you back, but
Congratulations, I'm so happy that you placed. I have loved every outfit that you have created, and you have inspired me to try sewing something more taxing than a hooded towel for my little girl. I can't wait to see more of your creations in the future.
I was so proud of every single one of your looks.
Also you have no idea how timely this post has been for me. It's going to be like my bible I think ahha.
I have really enjoyed watching you on Project Run and play. You inspire me to try more and grow more!
What a great post! I am glad you tried and succeeded at so many things, how excellent! You'd never guess from where I'm sitting that so many of these things were your first attempt, way to go!
You did an awesome job, Delia!!! And you are definitely a great inspiration. Love reading your blog and love seeing your creative talents in action!
What a beautiful post to wrap this all up, Delia! You did AMAZING- I love seeing all of your work and wondered frequently how it was honestly going behind the scenes… glad you are enjoying a sigh of relief to an extent
I loved your stuff! I love how much you upcycle and re-use, and I love you use of color, and your kids look so comfy. You've inspired me to sew much more for this winter.