In honor of earth day I thought I would do some recycling today...recycling of old crafts I have made that is!
Most of these haven’t been featured on my blog but are from my family blog, and are recycled or re-purposing projects. I also just realized that they are ALL sewing projects pretty much. I apologize to you non-sewers. There is a non-sewing project for tomorrow.
Just cut or rip a strip or two. Sew strips together if you have multiple ones. Then ruffle with a gathering stitch and secure with a straight stitch. Easy, easy and pretty for many occasions. This has a double “green” effect. You can re-purpose an old bed sheet AND save paper by reusing this garland instead of using crepe paper which you usually have to throw away after each use.
I love re-purposed crafts. It is like making something from nothing, it is almost free, and you are wasting less. Can’t beat that!
Happy “green” crafting!
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Bon @ Drab to Fab
Your blog is so pretty! I am glad that my blog button tutorial was helpful!
I really wish I could sew. No fair! I really love the fork idea though. If my lazy husband gets to work, maybe we'll actually have a garden this year. I also love the pictures of Reid with the baby girl headbands-and what do you know, he's smiling!
I'm in LOVE with the plaid scarf! I will have to read your directions again and see if I get it.
oh my gosh. just had to leave a comment because I have two posts coming up…one about gift wrapping and one with a very similar ruffled scarf! Just didn't want you to think I was ripping ideas off of your blog. Just thought it was too funny to come here and see your darling creations. 馃檪
Thanks for sharing Delia. I really do love your site. It's in my google reader!