Did you see this cool Alphabet Rocks kid project over at I Am Momma Hear Me Roar? It’s from like two months ago. But that’s about how long it takes for me to get around to my craft list. : /
There is something about rocks that kids just love. Stacking them, collecting them, carrying them around…I think adding letters to them is a genius way of sneaking early literacy into the fun.
I bought my bag of rocks at the dollar store so they were a little more irregular in shape. But for a buck it’s gotten a lot of use and love already. In fact, I need to touch some of them up and add a coat of mod podge to make them more durable.
I wanted to be sure to keep all the rocks together so I whipped up a round bag for them. I just starting cutting and sewing and adding touches. It was a completely off the cuff random process that actually turned alright. I even took pictures. Love it when it happens like that.
I’ll do a tutorial next week maybe?
Hope your day is beautiful!
I made those rocks a few weeks ago, but painting the letters on was too much for me, so I cheated and used stickers! They turned out awesome!
This is so cool!
One day, when I have a kid, I want him (or her) to have such toys!
We did these last year too. I wrote the letters of my kids names on them and tic tac toe on the other. We still play with them. Yours are very cool lookihttp://4herreras.blogspot.com/2010/09/rock-your-socks.htmlng.
That is such a cute project. My 3yr old would love this!
so very lovely delia. and that bag is just perfect for them too!!
looks like a total blast!
Very cute project- That's been on my to-do list too!
That is totally fun. I can picture making this project very soon!
I also saw that post, collected my beach rocks (I live on Lake Superior), and now I have to make them! I've been putting it off… school doesn't start for a month.
Yours turned out great!
What a great idea! Love the bag you made for them too! It's just right!!
I think you're in my head. Just thinking about an idea to do these for a recpetion with love, family, hope ect… Lots of kids will be there too so the alphabet would be fun at their table!
PS- also interested in seeing how you made that cute bag!
This turned out beautiful! I'm trying it with my kids.