We have a little entry way in our house that I have been wanting to do something with for a long time now. It’s always been kind of a dead, uninspired spot where the shoes and jackets pile up. Ha!
I wanted to put up wallpaper for the longest time, but the price always made the project a tough one to justify. After following Racheal from Banyan Bridges and seeing her create such beautiful murals with just paint, I decided to give it a shot.

I’m a pretty novice painter…I just painted our daughter’s room (reveal forthcoming)… so I went neutral and simple for this space, and I absolutely love it! I am hooked and can’t wait to do more murals in our house!
I mean…it’s just paint. And also…it’s just paint? It’s amazing with a $4 paint sample can do!
Here is the before:

And…the after!

Ta da!
And the real after. 馃槈

It even looks pretty when it’s bare too:

The paint is Sand Fossil by PPG from Home Depot.
The peg rack is from Amazon (affiliate link).
The art is from Miriam Tribe. I got her 2021 calendar and just had to frame the calendar cover art! She’s doing a second run of her calendar that is full of frame-able prints. Go check it out!
The crochet bag is my FREE sturdy market tote pattern. Go HERE.
The light fixture and frame are from IKEA.

Racheal from Banyon Bridges shows you how to create the perfect arch with a push pin, string, and a pencil and how to get crisp paint lines with tape (she’s @banyonbridges on instagram). I used the push pin method, but no matter what tips I try, I always get paint bleeds when I use tape on our textured walls. Drives. me. nuts. Maybe I need more practice? Probably. I didn’t want to mess around with it this time though, so I just outlined the arch with a small paint brush, then filled it in with a bigger one.

Probably not the most time efficient method but it did the trick, and it really only took me less than an hour for the first coat and 15 minutes for the second. Not baaaad I’d say! Of course this doesn’t count drying time.

I have a video of the process on pinterest and instagram if you’re interested in seeing the process in action. I’m @deliacreates on both platforms. 馃槈
That is a beautiful idea! I love how you used paint to create a 3-D look. Very nice!
I’ve just become a follower of yours, starting with the black & white checked blanket wrap tutorial. I left you a question about the “v” part but haven’t seen an answer yet. I’m not sure how you are sewing the pieces together and stopping where you did the zigzag tack. Please forgive me for bringing this question to this page! (I’m desperate, but that’s my excuse for a lot of my problems…
Sincerely, your newest fan,
Hi Beth! So sorry. I didn’t see your comment but I’ll look for it and answer you there.