Jessica from Happy Together!
You probably already know Jessica, but in case you don’t, she is a gorgeous mom of two beautiful girls. She is a fantastic sewist, she crochets (!! :)), makes amazing crafts, and is a professional photographer. Breathtaking stuff.聽
Today, she’s sharing a hearty hamburger soup recipe with us.
聽Here’s Jessica…

Hi everyone 馃檪
It’s always such a pleasure to be over here on Delia’s blog. I was excited about this series because it’s always fun to learn new recipes.
We had a cookout the other day for my daughter’s soccer team and my hubby grilled a lot of burgers (yes, it’s still very warm here in Louisiana :). We had a TON leftover so I was thinking I should make a soup with them for this series! It actually turned out very good and of course you can substitute leftover hamburgers with just regular hamburger meat. But I was very happy to prepare a new and yummy meal with this kind of leftover.
I mean, who can really just eat burgers but so much? So I looked at a bunch of recipes that used hamburger meat and came up with my own using what we had on hand and what we liked as a family.
Here is what you will need (for 2-4 servings):
-2-3 leftover hamburgers
-1 large potato
-1 carrot
-1 small zucchini
-around 1 14 oz. jar of tomato base sauce (I just used a spaghetti sauce and I say “around” because it doesn’t need to be exact as different brands offer different sizes)
-1 14 oz. can of beef broth
-1 tsp. garlic powder
-1 tsp. onion powder
-1 tsp. kosher salt
-parsley (for garnish)
-Start by cutting up the hamburger patties, potato, zucchini, and carrot. Smaller pieces are good because they will cook faster.
-Next, place the sauce and beef broth in a pot on high heat. Once it begins to boil, put in all of the ingredients and stir them together. Turn the heat down to a medium-low setting.
-Let it all cook for 10-15 minutes. I like veggies on softer side (as opposed to crisper), so I went the whole 15 minutes and it was perfect for me.
-Garnish with parsly if desired.
That’s it. Easy huh?
We really enjoyed it. My husband said it reminded him of those chunky Campbell soups. Now, this recipe could feed 4, but if you are like us it might only feed 2 ;).
Jessica Fediw
Sounds delicious! Can I pin it so I don't forget?
Yum! I love that it uses leftovers, especially since my husband has issues with eating reheated meat — which means I have to eat all the leftover burgers myself. 馃檪
This is awesome!!!Am a big fan of soups and there are times when we do barbecues and have lots of leftovers,too…so it will be precious ahving this recipe handy!Thank you so much 馃檪