So, I’ve been kind of lame in the kid craft department lately.
To make up for it, I quickly rounded up some super fast, super easy (for me and him) Halloween crafts, inspired by some ideas from Craft Gossip. I pinned the ideas here and here with links to the Craft Gossip site where you can find the original ideas.
The first one is this cute little scribble monster craft.
The original idea made them symmetry monsters and used paint. I simplified it by having Reid scribble a blob with crayons and then add googly eyes to it.
He REALLY got into it. He ended up making a few monsters and six squids by the time we were done. I loved that this was a craft that wasn’t too messy and that he could do every step by himself.
The second idea is a paper plate spiderweb lacing project.
The original idea is super cute as well, with a painted hand print spider. But I wanted to make it simpler, especially since a paint project requires more time than we had before he had to go to preschool. So I quickly punched some holes in a small white paper plate (folding it to get to all the areas of the plate).
I grabbed some black yarn so it would pop against the white plate, taped one end to the back and wrapped the other end with some more masking tape to make it easier to lace with.
Reid jumped right in and started lacing to his heart’s content. He’s really come a long way from refusing to do any crafts with me to being excited to do “projects” with me since he started preschool. And I love, love, love it.
I gave him shorter pieces of yarn so that it wouldn’t get too tangled. He ended up needing two pieces of yarn to complete his web.
We taped the loose ends to the back…
Then added some orange plastic spider rings, with the ring part cut off.
I made my web symmetrical, but it’s okay if it’s not. After all, spiders in nature spin webs differently as well.
Some symmetrical and some not.
I had a lot of fun doing this one with Reid, and when Owen got home from school, he begged me to punch a plate for him to lace as well. It’s a craft for many ages.
Speaking of spider webs.
I can’t help but look at Reid’s looong lashes and make a connection. Aren’t they luscious? I’ve instagrammed about them as well. 馃檪 (find me @deliacreates)
So…only two more days until go time! Are you ready?
I FINALLY finished the boys’ costumes to their specifications. Just in time for our church Halloween carnival too. I’ll post some pictures tomorrow.
Thanks for reading! Hope your week is delightfully spooky.
there’S this quote in one of my favourite books: “he had this type of lashes that boys didn’T care about and girls would kill for.” XD
your crafts look ike so much fun! i probably will have to do them with my nieces =)
How fun. What a creative feat.
Great idea – I think my great nieces would love to try this one. x Jo
That is a fun craft with Reid. I think we are going to try some scribble monsters too. Some times it takes so little to let them have a lot of fun.
He does have fantastic lashes!!!! 馃檪 Cute projects too
oh cute! great idea…must try soon!
awesome idea! Seriously. really cool!
What fantastic ideas. Can't wait 'till my munchkin is big enough to do these with.