My super cute friend Jessica and I have been getting together to craft.
She also just built a new house recently and has so many crafting possibilities, aka scrap wood, lying around her house! We got to together with this wooden pedestal project in mind from Brown Paper Packages.
We ended up with this.
So pretty huh?
I don’t have tutorial pictures because it was a work in progress the whole and we kind of just made things up as we went. This is basically what we did:
1. We cut a 4-5 inch length of a leftover fence post and sanded it.
2. Then we cut a 12 x12 square (well just about) of some leftover cabinet wood and framed it in molding. I just have to say that my wood working skills are seriously lacking. If it wasn’t for Jessica and her nice husband the molding would have never happened. I am sure you could ask the nice people at Home Depot or Lowe’s to cut stuff for you if you need to. I am not sure about the 45 degree cuts for the molding but you could ask!
3. Then we acquired some fence end caps from my garage. So…I totally found these for 7 cents apiece at Lowes on clearance and stocked up a while back. I KNOW. Unbelievable! Yes unbelievable that they were 7 cents and unbelievable that I haven’t done something with them until now. I still have like 15 more too but I have no ideas. Lowes also had some hosing for 30 cents for like 20 feet…I just couldn’t think of anything I could do with the hosing. Darn, I know I should have grabbed some. There is always a need for porous watering hosing. Right? 馃檪 Anyway…back to the end caps. I think they were on clearance because sure enough they didn’t fit the fence post we had…but that was okay with us! We flipped it the other way and it worked better because it complements the molding.
4. Okay…after acquiring and cutting our materials we painted everything white with flat white interior paint…also from Jessica’s leftover stash. Don’t you wish you were her friend too? Be jealous. 馃檪
5. Then we put everything together with wood glue, Jessica’s nail gun {for attaching the fence post to the end cap), and liquid nails.聽
6. We added some Spackle to fill in any cracks in the molding, painted again and that was all we wrote! Done!
So this sounds quick, and I think it can be, but it wasn’t for us. With kids’ schedules, sickness, family visitors, and just busy lives between the two of us it took us a few weeks. Phew. But we did it!
I like that it can be used for cake {with wax paper underneath} or for other things too! It definitely makes a statement.
I love it. Thanks Jessica for sharing some of your crafty prowess with me. 馃檪
And thanks to Brown Paper Packages for the inspiration!
Cute table. And that cake looks, YUM!
I love it! Ended up much better than I anticipated!