I posted about slowing down for summer a couple of months ago…but I never really did.
There were some planned vacations that fell through and I just kept busy for most of the summer, so I really haven’t had a break. Now with school starting in a just a couple of weeks – I can hardly believe it! – I think some of vacation is long over due. At least a blogging vacation. So I’m taking a week or two off.
See you later! Hope you have a great summer…or what’s left of it. 馃檪
P.S. If you get a chance, go over and check out Rach from Family Ever After. Her husband is raising money for “Cancer Sucks.” I believe this is a slogan for one of the teams riding in a benefit bike race being held to raise funds for cancer research.
Good for you. Enjoy your time off Delia! Love the sweet goggle pictures. He sure is cute!
I agree–good for you! Sounds great.
Have a wonderful blog vacation! See you soon!
Enjoy your break! Indeed, your little man looks like he could be soaked in 馃檪
Your boys are the cutest. I miss seeing them at church! Do you have pinterest? People post your crafts all the time. You should check it out!
Thanks for posting a link to my blog! That was nice!
I hope you're having a wonderful summer break! See you soon!
Wanted to congratulate you on being one of the top three on dana's blog header contest!! Way to rock, once more!!