Do you remember Katie Evans and her fantastic photography book, The Key To Taking Pictures? If not, see the giveaway we did for that here, and if you do remember her…she’s back with more!
She has a new book called, The Key To Natural Posing. Great topic right?
Katie gives excellent, excellent instruction to helping your subjects pose naturally. I am not completely done with it, but am half way through and am already giddy with all the things I’m learning.
Katie is not only a fantastic photographer, but she is a very effective teacher as well.
Her book is a beautiful read, and is as educational as it is appealing to just look at. She includes her gorgeous photography on each page to inspire you as well as teach you.
Here is a sampling of her new book:
This week, I get to giveaway THREE e-books! Plus, all my readers get a nice discount.
But, more on that in a minute.
Katie doesn’t just offer her photography talents in her books. She also has a blog with great tips and how to’s as well. This week she is kicking on her second annual Photoberfest.
Bratling says
How lovely! And all of us can always use photography tips!
bashfulbird says
I'll enter! Looks like an awesome book! abashfulbird (at) gmail (dot) com.
cindi m says
this looks like it's full of a zillion practical tips! LOVE it!
Michele says
This is one area that I would love to improve in! I have a DLSR that I'm still learning to use, it would be great to pick up extra tips that I can do to enhance the fancy things that my camera is already capable of.
Jessica says
This looks great! I would love to win. [email protected]
LisaM says
would love any photography tips I can get. thanks for the giveaway!!!
amy c @ says
I love Katie's stuff! Cool giveaway. 馃檪
Allison says
Looks awesome! Thanks for the introduction. Hope I win!!
Julie Rosenhan says
Wow, this is awesome! My sister-in-law would love this book! julie(dot)lemagne(at)gmail(dot)com
Rachel Hawks says
Great tips!
rachelhawks7 (at) gmail (dot) com
Allie Y says
Sounds like such a great book! ayonke3(at)gmail(dot)com
Kristi says
I could definitely use some help getting my three little ones to look good in a shot together.
Chad and Jessica says
What a great book. Such a great idea. So many people could use it!
Liz says
What a great book! I would love to read all of her ideas! liz(dot)beckwith(at)gmail(dot)com
CARU says
Love to read this one! carufigue(at)gmail(dot)com
Joanna Webber says
I'll enter! joannakay4(at)gmail(dot)com
mamabyrd says
This kind of photography totally calls to me. I'm becoming more and more turned off by the cheesey posed pictures. Would love to own a copy of this book. Thanks for the chance.
Carla says
I would love a book. Thanks
Erin A says
What a wonderful giveaway, I just love this!
I'll have to check out her blog too, I love a chance to do photography challenges. Thanks again!
[email protected]
Erin A says
What a wonderful giveaway, I just love this!
I'll have to check out her blog too, I love a chance to do photography challenges. Thanks again!
[email protected]
Breza says
What a neat sounding book!
Peanut's peanuts says
Oohhhh, great! Would love to win!
Origamiliving says
I love this! I have already learnt some new tips from your post! Thank you for this Giveaway!!
Anonymous says
Love Katies blog and would love to win this book – i've had my eye on it since it came out… Great giveaway!!!
[email protected]
samantha says
Looks like a good book, would love to read it!
[email protected]
Brittany H says
Gimme! 馃檪 [email protected]
Catrin says
I would love to win!
Heather Feather says
I hope I win!
Kristen says
Oh I'd love to win her book! Looks amazing…
sarah says
i love her blog and would love to read this book!
findinghope says
fantastic ideas would love to read the whole book
[email protected]
Becky says
I would love to win this book!
rebeccaerins (at) h0tmail {dot} c0m
mentinfusion says
This book sounds like a treasure!
[email protected]
Maggie says
Oh, I've been eyeing her work for awhile now. I didn't know about her new book. She could really help me out! 馃檪 Thanks for the chance to win her great books!
maggiefelsch (at) gmail (dot) com
Anonymous says
I would love to participate and hope to learn some great tips for great pictures 馃檪 [email protected]
ReStitch Me says
A great giveaway! Photography is an area that I need to improve on!
[email protected]
Emmeline McWilliams says
Thanks for the chance to win. Looks like a great resource!
Melissa (Melly Sews) says
Looks really informative – I'd love one! mellysews at gmail dot com
courtneyanne says
This is just what I need. Thank you for the giveaway!
courtney at lifetab dot com
rebekah says
I would love to learn from her insights.
rebekahricker (at) yahoo (dot) com
MinnesotaMary says
I always need more photography tips.
Although, Katie should know there are a couple typos just in the small sampling on here. Like the first page – "When is" should be "When it".
JoDana says
Wow this looks FANTASTIC! Would be wonderful to win a copy.
Thank you
Meryl says
I would love to win this for my husband. Thanks!
Meryl says
I would love to win this for my husband. Thanks!
Amanda says
I would love this. I take lots of pics of my 18 month old and any tips for this age are much appreciated. All she wants to do is run toward the camera to see the photo I'm taking!
Beth says
I'd love this book, I just want to learn how to take better pictures and capture God's beauty in other people.
AmyBean says
I would love to win this! I need help with my grown-up posing. 馃檪
Danyelle says
I would love a chance to improve my pictures with this book.
Anonymous says
I would love to win!
snookums06 (at) gmail (dot) com
meagan wicker says
first time i've seen anything like this and it is great info!
Melany Williams says
Would definitely put this to good use. 馃檪 馃檪
magpie84 says
Looks like a helpful book! I am learning how to use my husband's fancy camera so I can take better pictures of my kids. This would be great!
Megan says
I would love to win! Looks like a great book. meggie . armstrong @ gmail . com
Jennifer Cleaver says
This would be SO helpful!
kimdeal(at) says
hej delia, thanks for introducing this book. do you consider writing on yourself? I followed some of your mamarazzi-advice and got so much better than before. the Katie Evans Book will certainly boost my skills.
Harmony says
Wow this is super helpful!
Mary says
I'll enter! mldaus95 (at) gmail (dot) com
Bethany says
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Bethany says
I would love this book! It looks amazing! bethany . dearden (at)
Jessica says
this would be really helpful!
jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com
Lindsay says
What a lovely book! Thanks for the giveaway. 馃檪
kilbreatha says
What an awesome book! [email protected]
AnnA says
looks fabulous!
LeeAnne says
This book would be so helpful to me! 馃檪
Nancy says
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Nancy says
I can always use professional advice when it comes to photography, thanks for the chance to win. nlczerw(at)gmail(dot)com
Lacey says
Oh, I so need help in this area! afruitfullifeblog (at) gmail (dot) com
Jennifer Rzasa says
Thanks for the great giveaway! [email protected]
Jillenium says
This book looks amazing 馃檪 Even if I don't win, I think I need it…
jillrobinson72 (at) gmail (dot) com
Aundrea says
I love photography books and this one looks amazing!
dreablood (at) hotmail (dot) com
Jules says
Just what I am needing to read!
intaNadia says
i would like to win this book
[email protected]
Bag Me says
The book looks awsom, thanks for sharing!
Bag Me says
The book looks awsom, thanks for sharing!
Tiffany G. says
Just in time for Christmas pictures!
meekandchic {at} gmail {dot} com
amy rene says
oh, my, what a lovely offer! thanks for sharing. amyrenecastillo -at- gmail dot com
Anonymous says
What a fun opportunity to win what looks like a great book!
Patti from Indiana
Olthoff6@comcast dot net
Sundae Peachey says
I'd love to win this book! It looks very informative!
Chad and Mandi says
Looks like a great read!
[email protected]
Rebecca says
This would be great to have! Thanks for the chance.
Sarah says
I've been trying really hard to use my DSLR to it's full potential and not just shoot on Auto. I just bought a new 50mm lens that I've been having fun playing with and this book would be fantastic to help me with all this – you can never have enough tips from the pros! [email protected]
Danielle Mae says
I could use this this week for sure! [email protected]
Trudi says
Our first baby is due in January so I would love love love this book so that hopefully my photography skills grow along with the baby 馃檪 trudiweir(at)yahoo(dot)com
Donna says
Suweet! Dish(dot)Donna(at)gmail(dot)com
Donna says
Suweet! Dish(dot)Donna(at)gmail(dot)com
[email protected] says
Absolutely lovely! I'm giving birth to my first baby in January, and this book will be of great help!
beyuk says
I would love to see this book!
Katie says
Awesome! I have Katie's first book and it's great!
Leah says
Look's like a great book! So glad I came upon your blog! [email protected]
Kristabelle says
Wow what a great book. I love taking photos of all my nephews and nieces this book would help getting great shots instead of just snaps of the kids.
Anonymous says
I always take my children's pix, this would be such a great resource! Hope I get one! melamom at juno dot com -laura
Jamie says
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Anonymous says
I would love this. [email protected]
Patty says
This is just the book I've been looking for!
Anonymous says
I could use some lessons!
catherinechaffee at yahoo dot com
Alicia G says
What a fabulous giveaway! Crossing my fingers. [email protected]
Shelly says
I have a 3 month old girl and a new DSLR… I could totally use this!
Kym says
this is something I would LOVE!!! [email protected]
Laura says
awesome. Thanks for the chance to win this! I'm new in the "photography world" so I could certainly use this! laurametallo(at)gnail(dot)com
kristel says
I really need to learn to "pose" without posing: I would love to win this book!
ajgazmen says
Definitely could youse this =)
Anonymous says
Seems like a great book! Thanks for the chance to win 馃檪
fink (at) wideband (dot) net (dot) au
Katrina says
Looks like a great book!
[email protected]
Kimberly says
I would LOVE a copy!!
Jess B says
I found you through Pinterest, but I'm going to be a regular reader! I love taking photos and actually make a little money doing it, so I'm excited to learn more! 馃檪
Gina V says
I bought a new, better camera this summer and I am so grateful for all of your tips and tutorials.
{thatssewtaylor} says
Oh, how nice! Thanks for the giveaway! Many blessings…
[email protected]
Avery's Mama says
Oh, I could use some help taking great pictures!
SKIPR says
This is new to me, and it seems awesome!! I would love to have this book!
sklaing at hotmail dot com
ms_sunshyne says
Oh I could really use this!!!! baby no1 we have tons of pics! baby no 2 – still did pretty good – 3, 4, 5, and now 6 on the way – lots and lots less of each of them!!!!! not for lack of trying, but time's a factor too…. could use all the help I can get!!! Thanks for the great giveaway!!
Tommie @ Ilene Books says
This looks like a great book. I would love to win.
Brooke Collier says
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Brooke Collier says
i'm already a part-time pro photographer, but this guide here seems like a source of good inspiration and reminders that would be super helpful. well done!
carrie says
This looks beautiful and so helpful! Thanks for the chance to win. 馃檪
Sarah says
Looks like such a wonderful and helpful book. futon37 at yahoo dot com
Anonymous says
I would love to win. S_lisbeth(at) hotmail (dot) com
Robin says
Oh, I would love this!
Abril. says
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Abril. says
I'm in!
[email protected]
Jennifer Cleaver says
It looks like a great resource!