I am really behind with this Valentine’s Day holiday this year…well according to me. I usually have Valentine’s Day up within the first few days of February because there are only 14 days of it. This year…I just barely got everything up this morning!…with only four days to spare. Phew!
Usually, I am so anxious and excited for each holiday but with how busy this year has been, I am actually looking forward to that lull between Valentines and Easter where all there is is St. Patrick’s Day that we don’t even decorate for around here.
We started a couple of days ago with heart attacking our wall/mirror.
Inspiration via Color me Katie. Hence why I just had to get a picture of Owen blowing the hearts across the wall.
It is so fun to have an older child who can and wants to help me with my little projects.
His hearts are my favorite ones. 馃檪
Cheri from I am Momma Hear Me Roar did a tutorial about how to make a free printable in picnik. I thought the idea was brilliant! So I made one too. I used my photoshop elements and regular picasa instead because I am more familiar with those programs.
Right click on the image below if you want it.
I then did some rolled rosettes for my frame much like my wreath.
I hope you are all having a LOVE-ly time getting ready for Valentine’s Day!
Laurel @ Ducks in a Row says
Just the right amount of Valentine decor – super cute!
Kim says
Super cute! Here's my little bit of Valentines Day around here..
UtahMillers says
Super cute! I am loving the heart attack on the wall. Awesome.
Carly says
OK, I'm gonna have to copy your framed felt roses. love that!
kristy.lynn @ kristy.makes says
too too cute… love the color me kate inspo 馃檪
Diapers.Deadlines.DIY says
What a great idea…to make rosettes in a frame. I think I might have to try that. 馃檪
Taylor {Sew Much Love} says
I Love the printable! That's adorable! I can't wait to print it out and hang it up at my house!
Mary says
I envy your festive holiday spirit! Wish you could send some of that my way
Suzie says
All so really cute!
Kaylyn says
The love printable is so cute. I love that it is not all pink too. Have a fun Valentines Day.
Adrienne says
I love this post! I think this little corner for holiday fixins is amazing!! I want one! LOL
creatingme says
Looks so cute on your wall!
Red Monkey Scrapper says
Cute! I just found this on Pinterest. What did you print the design on? Cardstock? Thanks for sharing!!! theallisons7287 at gmail dot com